Final Duels and Ascension

In an abandoned subway station, 200 meters away from the Red Circle –

"Yeah, I've blown this fucker up," said Dynamite Girl as she exhaled deeply, her glowing orange blood vessels fading from her skin. She looked at the seared stump where her right arm had been.

Countless bullet holes riddled her chest and stomach, leaving her already tattered costume basically reduced to nothing now. "And I really, really need a new costume now unless I'm going to be flashing everyone in this whole damn city."

"Excellent work, Dynamite Girl," said Hirondelle as she perched over the melted, blackened, blown apart wreckage of Clank's giant metal body.

When Clank first ported here, by nature of the Cubehead's warp power requiring teleported units to be in an empty space, Clank could not immediately be ambushed.

But down here, in this abandoned subway line, Spybird's War Eagle, his strongest drone, had engaged Clank in a long-range battle of missiles and bullets.