All Out

As Aldrich fell through the air, the winds whistling past him, he clasped his hands together with a metallic clang. Coils of ghostly green energy formed between them, and when he separated his hands, twin [Death Bolts] were formed and ready to go, swirling in spherical orbs in his palms.

About halfway before Aldrich hit the ground, high up enough in the air where Shrimp looked like he could hit in Aldrich's palm, he fired off his two [Death Bolts] one after the other.

Twin helical bolts of green death energy spiraled out from Aldrich like cannonballs, rapidly descending down to smash into Shrimp's back before the Locus could punch down and destroy the Antlion with a shockwave.

An explosion of green energy erupted around Shrimp, and Shrimp staggered forwards before whirling around to face Aldrich, his antennae twitching as he glared at Aldrich with his two radiant, iridescent rainbow eyes.