Bear Witness

Aldrich felt solid impact from his punch against Shrimp's jaw. Shrimp's jaw had healed, but not entirely, and there were still fault line cracks around the powerful shell armor from Valera's previous uppercut.

Once more, the shell plating shattered as the force of Aldrich's punch sent the Locus's head whipping to the side in a gust of wind. He did not, however, manage to fully break the variant's jaw with that hit, giving Aldrich an gauge on how strong he was at his peak.

With giant muscles stitched on and [Negative Surge], Aldrich estimated he reached the low to mid end of Valera's monstrous strength.

Not too bad considering Aldrich was specd almost entirely as a mage.

Shrimp's eyes widened from the impact as he spat out blood from his beneath his helmet of shell. His arms hung low at his sides, indicating that the hit had temporarily staggered the monster.