[Bonus chapter] {Observation}

In an unknown location in Earth's upper atmosphere –

A powerfully built man who looked like he could have been a bodybuilder stood tall with his hands clasped behind his back. Despite looking like he could break a bear's neck with one hand, he dressed with reverence to the word 'elegant' in a black suit and tie outfit.

Creases and wrinkles of age were set throughout his face, making him straddle the line between middle aged and elderly, though with his shoulder length white hair and bushy beard and moustache, he tended towards the 'elderly' side of the scale.

Most notable about his appearance, however, were his eyes. They were like two black voids completely lacking pupils, filled in with solid darkness.

These strange eyes gazed forward at several large holographic screens all showing scenes of carnage wrought by variant attacks across the entire world.

Hell, there had even been an attack on the U.F. (United Front) Arctic Base.