Complete Overhaul

As the [Outer Mist Phase] took Aldrich, Valera, and the Death Lord to the Nexus in a warp, Aldrich asked Valera, "By the way, what were you doing out there? If everyone else is in the Nexus still?"

"Well, I wanted the privilege of seeing you first, master," said Valera. "Did I…do anything wrong? Perhaps I left the Legion unattended?"

"No, it's fine. I'm sure you wouldn't have left them if you didn't think their safety atleast somewhat guaranteed," said Aldrich with a nod that Valera smiled at.

"My, young love – such a wonderful sight to see. Sickeningly sweet, I must say," said the Death Lord as she frowned and waved her hand, speeding up the [Outer Mist Phase].

"W-what, it is not like that!" protested Valera. "Not yet at least, no, what am I saying – I am his Guardian Knight! It would go against my vows to fall for the one I am sworn to defend."