Bors the Giant Blacksmith

"Bors?" Aldrich stepped around the Throne Shard and in front of Bors. The giant was large, standing at around 8 meters tall, but definitely a good amount shorter than Aldrich Zombie Giant which stood at 12 meters.

Bors also looked a little more misshapen than Aldrich's giant. Where Aldrich's giant had a powerful, muscular body with good proportions like a powerlifter, Bors had a hunched back, big torso, and comparatively skinnier arms and legs.

"You're an Earth Giant," noted Aldrich.

In Elden World, most giants like Aldrich's zombie giant lived in a faraway northern land of towering mountains. There, the giants used enormous swathes of solid mystic clouds like giant aerial plains, living upon them or using them to cross from mountaintop to mountaintop.

Thus, these giants were aptly called Sky Giants.