Fixing Volantis

"Volantis? Whatever software the demons use for him told me that he's undergoing self-repair. Do you mean you want to accelerate that process?" Aldrich asked the Death Lord.

"Software…?" The Death Lord ever so slightly tilted her head, making Aldrich realize that she obviously would have no idea what that word meant. "I do not grasp that word, but I understand the essence of what you are saying. And to answer: yes and no.

We will restore Volantis, but not in the way the demons wished."

"Explain," said Aldrich.

"The fact that you have caused the Demonwill entrapped within Volantis to manifest like this, to try and scrub Volantis's soul, means you managed to get him to reclaim a shard of his former soul. Quite likely through recalling old memories, no?" said the Death Lord.

"You would be right about that," said Aldrich.