Returning to the Crypt

Aldrich manifested in the Crypt once more. The bright green light of the throne shard in the Nexus was replaced by permeating, purple outlined darkness from Null emissions. It was a little jarring coming back to the Crypt and witnessing darkness.

Real darkness. Because Aldrich had racial nightvision, he could see through ordinary dark, but the kind of dark the Null ore emitted was something his sight could not pierce. There were very few circumstances in which he would ever find himself unable to see in the dark, but if there was ever a case of it, this was it.

Regardless, Aldrich had enough visibility to maybe three of four meters ahead of him.

"You are back, Warleader!" said Volantis. Or rather, the illusion of Volantis. The voice sounded just the same, though, and it boomed throughout the metallic structure of the Crypt.