
"Indeed," said Fler'Gan. "You are familiar with the concept of homonculi, no?"

"Yes," said Aldrich. "Alchemically created organisms. How does that apply here?"

"The normal method to create homonculi starts with creating a 'womb' of primordial liquid. This liquid is often the refined, processed flesh of other creatures," said Fler'Gan. "I have little in the way of materials I am familiar with for my alchemy, but I do have the tools to refine with.

Thus, I reduced that Alter specimen you so generously granted me into primordial liquid. I then placed the Alter organ within this liquid before it could decay.

The first attempt was a failure. The organ deteriorated too quickly and I did not know how to adjust my refinement process to Alterhumans that I had never worked with before.

But by learning upon my errors, I have managed to preserve the Alter organ of the second specimen!"