Last Dream

Chrysa nodded thoughtfully, making Aldrich wonder exactly how much she knew of the world around her. She seemed to have been born knowing some basic things and emotions, but there were other things she did not know either.

Basically, she was like a human child, which was not surprising considering she copied off of Aldrich's soul, most likely how his soul had been when he was little, but he still did not know for sure what she did know or did not.

It was a learning experience.

Like parenting.

"How are you alive?" asked Randall.

"Don't ask that," said Alan. "It's not something he wants to get into. But trust me, he's the real deal, and somehow, he's made it big. He says he's going to take this shop over and give it a nice facelift. He'll hire me, too, and get me a nice job, the kind you always wanted for me.

Shit, you and Elaine always complained I was wasting my time here even though I'm a good for nothing junkyard rat. Guess I get to prove you guys right for once, huh?"