An Unseen Cold

Force and cold rocked across Aldrich in an oppressive tidal wave, as if all the fury of a Himalayan avalanche had been condensed into a single beam of power.

Valera stood strong in front of Aldrich, her black greatshield holding against the wave of energy like a fortress wall. However, the attack was energy based in nature, flowing out like a raging tide. Aside from a small area behind Valera that protected Aldrich and Chrysa, the blast swept past and engulfed everything else.

That must have included Randall, but he could not go out from behind Valera to check.

Blinding pale blue light shone all around Aldrich, as if he had been dunked into the depths of a blue sun, but instead of unfathomable heat, there was instead freezing cold.

The light made it impossible for Aldrich to tell what was going on. But he knew that stepping into it would immediately freeze him.