Expectations and Rewards

"That was all it took to disable her?" said Aldrich. He shook his head, shaking himself of his impulsive habit to see others through a lens of utility. He knew better now, after Haven, when he saw firsthand how important it was to connect with others to gain their loyalty. "No, that's the wrong question. How do I cure her?"

The Death Lord waved her hand dismissively. "Curing her of this nightmare is simple enough. I merely need a few minutes alone with her. What is important here is that this does not happen again."

"That's the thing. I didn't expect something like this to happen in the first place." Aldrich stared at the Death Lord, accusation sharpening his eyes. "You made it seem like there were no risks here. That even if she linked to me, to all the awful mess that's in my soul, that it would be okay."

"I thought her strong enough to handle it," was the Death Lord's explanation.