More Loot

"This is an impressive piece, Bors." Aldrich closed his fist, observing the golden glint of his Solar Seal. "How did you manage to implement holy type damage into this? And the healing?"

From what Aldrich could tell, Seth Solar's powers did not involve any form of healing. Or, at the very least, not any healing that affected others. It was true that Seth could recover from wounds quickly, but not to the extent it was considered an Alter power on its own.

At best, Seth could recover a broken bone in, say, a few days opposed to the weeks it took for an Alter of his grade to naturally do so with just cell count alone.

Even Seth's father, Solomon, who had a far more trained version of the power, could at best recover a broken arm in the span of an hour which, though impressive, was not anything close to a specialized Alter power.