New Laboratory

V blinked. For a moment, all the myriad of lights flashing across the servers also blinked. "Huh? What? You can do that? You got some kind of mind control shenanigan on him? Or, or, let me guess, is it magic?"

"Magic, yes, but not mine." Aldrich nodded to V. "Have your project prepped and ready to go. Transfer the bug to a Viral Round or Jacker."

Viral Rounds or Jackers were physical receptacles, either bullets or needle like injectors, for transferring bugs directly into others or machines. Generally speaking, it was the most efficient way of carrying a bug over, especially with Alters whose minds had natural levels of mental protection surrounding them.

It was the same innate mental protection that prevented an Alter with a weak AC count from mind controlling, say, a S class hero.

For a high level techno like Desmond, Virals were necessary to ensure the bug successfully infiltrated his mind.