Learning Room

"Learning room, is it? Let's see how good of a teacher you are," said Aldrich as he made his way over to the door that Fler'Gan pointed to.

"I have a feeling that it will be gross again," said Valera as she followed behind him.

"Such a clumsy and unpleasant word," commented Fler'Gan. "It is not fit to describe the likes of my research and methodology. Even in teaching others how to serve, I make leaps and strides with every new pupil. That one you are about to see, I am especially proud of."

Aldrich put his hand on the door. Ordinarily, this led into a storage space for equipment. There were inscriptions on the door as well, glowing a faint blue, and when his eyes lingered on them, Fler'Gan called out, "That is a glamor spell that hides the door when active."