The President 3

'Interesting. This guy is willing to hand over Vanguard's heir to me? Just like that?' Aldrich stared at Emrys in near disbelief.

This was a huge offer. Vanguard's heir, if said individual could actually be found, was invaluable. Not just in terms of sheer power, but in symbolic value as well.

Vanguard was the world's number one and a bright light in a swathe of dark times. The first real hero, or at the very least, the one to really popularize the hero movement, the idea being that he wanted to create a movement that provided symbols to look up to, symbols of hope when things seemed hard and hopeless.

Over time, that had twisted into a highly commercialized, gaudy industry where people like Hat Trick who only cared about credits and image showed up. But the original idea behind it was pure.

Vanguard was the sole reason humanity survived Zahak during the Altering. Then, he spearheaded the fight against the Titans in the Monstering.