The President 4

Aldrich stood there in silence. That date - he had almost forgotten. But hearing it being brought back up was enough for emotions to start flooding into him, thawing past the iced over surface of his undead heart.

The pain. The loss. The helplesness.

Then, the rage. The desire for vengeance.

It all came back to him in a jarring, piercing instant.

October 30th, 2117.

The day he died. As well as two of his closest friends.

'This can't be a coincidence,' thought Aldrich. 'It just can't. Vanguard dies, or at the very least, goes dark on the exact day that I die? There has to be a connection here. There must be.'

The immediate thought popped into his head: was he the heir to Vanguard's power? His gut reaction was a no. Vanguard's power was dramatically different from his.