Dragon Strategy 1

"Ah, I see what you wish to accomplish," said Medula. "You plan on activating the Dragonsong in my prison realm, drawing the mad host of dragons there to wreak havoc on enemy forces. Provided, of course, that the dragons still exist and have not been annihilated by the presumed end of our realm."

"Whether or not your realm is fully gone or not doesn't matter here," said Aldrich. "Because the dragons I want to call definitely do exist. They're right there in my fourth trial quest."

The fourth trial quest involved guiding a NPC called Renara to the top of an icy mountain where one half of the Dragonsong lay encased in a tomb of ice. The ascent to the mountain was filled with ice based threats and, most relevant, frost wyrms, drakes, and wyverns.

After passing by all the threats, she would take the Dragonsong, a family heirloom of hers, and become a permanent party member to call upon whenever needed.