Dragon Strategy 2

But that was thinking way too far ahead. For now, Aldrich just needed to make sure his plans worked.

"Ah, so there are dragons in those quests of yours. I must remind you that I am not intimately aware of every little detail in those quests," said Medula. She clasped her hands together, forming a platform to rest her chin. "Only that they ended with you defeating us and leading the Lifelight here."

"How do you feel about that anyway? That I caused the end of everything here before?"

Medula shrugged casually. "Nothing much. It is like a faraway dream now. Any emotions I felt during that time are muted. And, even if they were not, I personally do not believe I would hold any grudge. We lost. That is that and only that."

"Surprisingly noble in defeat," said Valera. "I would have thought you far more vindictive than that."