[Bonus chapter] The Dinner Incident 3

"Speaking of staff, you don't have any meat around here?" said Aldrich.

"Meat? Forgive me, but are you speaking of meat for sustenance or meat as in the colloquial term for bio-intellects?" said Arthur.

"Bio-intellects," said Aldrich. He made a mental note to himself to cut out the occasional slang he used as it would not fit with 'high society'. "I don't see any flesh and blood staff."

"Bart likes to keep his security detail tight and trustworthy," said Arthur. "I'm sure you can understand, given his daughter's condition. As a result, he places exclusive trust with me."

"I see." Made sense. The targeted shutdown on Bart's mansion that crippled his daughter for life had likely been allowed to occur due to an insider in the mansion, probably staff, being bribed or leaking information about the security.