Blackwater Plans 2

"Before we delve into specific strategies, I would like to ask something regarding the goal for our campaign on Blackwater," said Valera.

"Our goal has and always been the Machineheart," said Aldrich. "Once we have that, we have enough leverage to become a global superpower."

"I understand, but what of the revelation that the scholars we captured spoke of?"

"The Blue Ring?" Aldrich contemplated this for a moment. He had taken the Meteor Labs team and was housing them in the tower. At the moment, he did not have the resources to get them back to work. Aarav needed to ship a whole laboratory over before any real work could happen.

But he had grilled Machinemind and the team about the strange artifact they called the 'Blue Ring'. According to them, the ring manifested on the planet seventeen years ago when the passive barrier around the earth unraveled for a moment and other alien artifacts and influences managed to slip into earth.