Blackwater Plans 3

"Interesting – wait, what?" Feather's eyes blinked several times. "You don't mean that, do you?"

He looked at Aldrich's stare, a look that had no room for a joke behind it, and then at Fler'Gan's highly inquisitive, highly ready to cut into flesh gaze and knew that Aldrich meant everything he said.

"Yes," confirmed Aldrich. "Fler'Gan's done some tests on you while you were telepathically sedated. It's given me some good insight into the full extent of your powers, and to be honest, I'm rather impressed. You can regenerate from even a drop of blood as long as some part of you remains."

"Wait, you've been doing what to me now while I was asleep?" Feather stared at Fler'Gan as if he had shoved a knife in his back and indeed, the Mind Eater had. And much more.