Chapter 9

*Jamie's POV*

The cheerleaders are approaching!

Well, it's not a big deal, but they don't come to the cafeteria much since they are too cool for the cafeteria. The only reason that they come down is when the jocks are here.

"So, you're Damian's boyfriend." One of them said in an annoying voice. She was Natasha, one of the girls that tried to hook up with my brother. I turned my head not wanting to be involved in stupid shit while I am busy thinking about his confession.

"Hey don't -"

"He is, so what?" Jane replied. I glared at her not wanting to draw attention by arguing with some bitch of a cheerleader.

"Well, he better break up with him cause I know Damian is not gay," she snapped back. I was angry with that comment because it was true.

"Well, I know that neither Damian nor Joseph want to be near you, let alone sleep with you," I answered, calmly with a smiling face.

"Yup," Jane agreed, popping the 'p', "Also I once heard Max say this once- AHEM AHEM- 'Nash is nice and all, but she's way too loose. I mean, doesn't she realize she needs a vaginal press.' is what he said." She said impersonating Max and it was a good impression. I laughed louder than needed and Hi-Fived Jane.

"You don't even know them---"

"I'll stop you there," Dennis said, giggling, "Jane is Andrew's sister and Jamie is Joseph's. So you're talking to the siblings of the guys that you could never claim." He said.

She looked like she was electrocuted by the new information she gained. The head cheerleader started laughing hysterically, making me think there is something wrong with her head.

"I see why my brother likes you." She said while she ruffled my hair. Wait, did she say brother? OMG! She's Damian's sister, Peyton Jones."

"Payton what are you saying? He's turning your brother gay?" One of the cheerleaders called out.

"At least he doesn't permanently scar them with an STD." Jane snapped back. Oh, Jane hated cheerleaders (only the ones in our school) and so do I. One of them stalked my brother and he almost killed her by hitting her with his car. These bitches are scary.

"Watch your mouth missy."

"Or what, you gonna cry?" Jane faked a tear with a crying face.

"That's it, you asked for it." She moved towards Jane but Dennis stopped her.

"As much as I want to see you two girls fight, I must warn you, she is trained and she will beat the shit out of you." She took a few steps back. Jane, believe it or not, was a black belt in Taekwondo.

"Okay, that's enough." Peyton said holding back her laughter, "Jamie one last question- who asked out first?" Peyton asked. Though this whole ordeal happened only because Monica misunderstood us back in the movie theater, Damian was the one who asked me out first. I mean there is no harm in telling the truth.

"Damian asked me out first," I replied with a blush coming on.

"LIES!" Natasha screamed on top of her lungs making me wince in pain.

"Why would that be a lie?" Damian questioned.


*Damian's POV*

I walked into the cafeteria and for some reason, it was very noisy. I saw a bunch of cheerleaders ganging up on Jamie and his friends. In the crowd, my eyes met with Payton's. What was she doing here? She smiled and patted Jamie's head. MY JAMIE'S HEAD.

"Damian was the one who asked me out first," Jamie said with a blush. My heart became louder and louder as I looked at his cute face. Is he going to accept me?

"LIES!" I heard Natasha scream. That fucken hoe.

"Why would that be a lie?" I asked. Everyone turned around, Jane sorta squealing, Jamie blushing and Dennis annoyed for some reason. "Well, explain to me why asking him out would be a lie?" I asked again. Natasha's face went from confused to furious.

"So all those times you were with me were nothing!?" This bitch saying shit that never happened. I glanced over Jamie and saw that his blush had disappeared and he had a sorta annoyed look on his face, he then 'humph-ed' and turned the other way. I was scared and swooned by his cuteness at the same time. I pushed past the crowd, lifted him, sat down and sat him down on my lap. He didn't squirm nor tried to escape, instead, he made himself comfortable and sipped his juice box while he was pouting. God, he was the cutest creature there is. I love him.

*Ahem* I looked to my left to see Joseph almost about to explode. He then grabbed Jamie and pulled him from my hold. "I let you live after you kissed him on Saturday, but not today." He said it with a growl, sending cold shivers down my spine. Jane squeaked louder than needed, Jamie's face went flush red with embarrassment.

"Joseph you idiot!" Jamie smacked his chest and ran out of the cafeteria.

"Jamie, wait! I need details!!" Jane ran behind him and Dennis followed them with their bags laughing hysterically. Those three are one of a kind.

"Okay, now that the show is over kindly do not BOTHER MY BROTHER anymore. Or else I'll forget the fact that you are girls" Joseph announced. They all grumbled out of the cafeteria in disappointment. Peyton, on the other hand, winked at Joseph, making me feel extra uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now and let you two be creepy together." I attempted to escape and find my baby bunny, but it seemed futile when he grabbed my collar from the back and pulled me in.



"You're going after Jamie?"

"Yes." He stared at me with narrow eyes and then released a sigh that he was holding.

"Fine, but keep an eye out for Chad."

"What." You could hear the irritation in my voice. It always comes out whenever his name is mentioned.

"A few guys in the locker room were talking that he and his goons were up to something, I don't know what but I have a bad feeling about it." His eyes showed concern and I understood why.

"Okay, I'll be on guard." I left the cafeteria and texted Jane where Jamie was. She told me which classroom he is going to, with a lot of heart emojis and good luck wishes. I found him in a quiet hallway making his way into the art class. I grabbed him by his waist and kidnapped him into an empty classroom.

"What was that for? I need to get to class." He jumped from my arms only to be captured again.

"Skip it."

"No ! My perfect attendance record!"

"Tell them that you're sick, you ate something bad in the cafeteria and need to go home."


"Pretty pwease." I pleaded with eyes that even made puppies give up. He tried to look away but his attempts were futile. I knew for the fact that no one, not even Jamie was immune to my charms (you know since he's way cuter than me).

"Fine." He said reluctantly.


"But if I get into trouble, I'm taking your name."

"I will gladly accept responsibility," I said with a big smile that made him smile too. I took this opportunity and kissed his soft lips. He flinched at first, but gradually accepted and kissed me back. I parted ways as I felt shortness of breath and Jamie's knees gave out. I caught him before he could. We sat with my back against the wall with him on my lap. There was a comfortable silence that surrounded us just like the night when I confessed to him.

"Hey Damian," he called me out.


"About your confession," my heart started to beat faster with anxiousness. I didn't know what to expect, "I'm still unsure how to feel about you, but at the same time, I don't want to push you away." I think I'm having high hopes but at this point, I don't know what to think.

"As you said, I have some I like, but they are already with someone whom they love and I am happy for them," Though he tried sounding positive, I could hear him hurting in his voice. I squeezed him closer to me.



"Why me? I mean you're not even gay, so why?" That question hit me harder than I thought it would. But he is not wrong.

"I wonder why,"

"I'm serious here." He frowned.

"So am I, when I first saw you in that hallway, something clicked and I instantly fell in love. I can't explain it but I know that I love you and nothing is going to change my mind." He went quiet. I looked down at him and the back of his neck and the tip of his ears were red. I chuckled and placed a soft kiss on his neck. My sudden actions startled him, causing him to jump up. I caught his hand but kneeled in one knee.

"Jamie, will you go out with me?" I proposed again and this time his face became flush red. He looked into my eyes with his crystal blue ones. I honestly loved every part of him. His adorableness, how smart he is, his features and so much more. This is the first time I felt this way for anyone, and I wasn't going to let it go. I saw him smile and,

"Okay." I couldn't believe what he said.

"Could you repeat that, please?" He laughed and looked at me with the brightest smile he had,

"Yes Damian, I will go out with you." I didn't waste a moment and kissed him. I parted our lips but he stood up on his tiptoes and kissed me. I kissed him back with NO REGRETS.