Real Magic

I quickly drew up my hood as I ran. No one should know that he was following 'me!'

"Where the hell are you Reapers! I'm dying! If I die... Fuck it!"

I pushed through the crowd but they were running too. Everyone one of them was startled.

Thump! Thump! People were crashing into each other. Screams filled the Blue Lotus. I saw some Rings hovering towards the boy. But why would the kid do that in public if he didn't know the consequences? He must be a powerful one.

"AGHH!!!" Another scream.

One of the Rings flew into the air without the hoverboard. I looked back to see what was happening.

What I witnessed was beyond anything I've ever seen. The kid held his hands close to each other and an orb of blue light formed between them.

Suddenly, he separated his hands from the formation, and now some tendrils made from that magical source were spiraling around his arms.

He threw his hand at the incoming Ring. There was a bright spark. The next thing I knew, the Ring was thrown into the air.

"AGHHH!!!" He landed in the crowd.

Within a second, he did the same to the next Rings that were trying to attack him.

"He's... Too damn OP!" I yelled, turning around.

"TSU! Don't run!" He screamed. He spoke my name! That moment, I figured that he had no use for me. It was more of the reason to be scared.

I ran without looking back. I could hear that weird buzzing noise again. ZWEENG! It was the sound that came when he did that magic.

I couldn't avoid glancing back. I was too scared. I wanted to see if he was targeting me.


He blasted us with the magical beam. I was pushed forward from the shockwave. I saw a bright red light before I fell to the ground.


A sharp noise was cutting through my ear. Almost like I've been near a bomb explosion.

I looked back and saw ashes. Some people were lying on the ground, some unconscious, some struggling to get back up.

And the rest of the crowd. They had turned into ashes.

'No! I—' The boy eyed me with a vicious grin on his face. He raised his hand and pointed it in my direction. Slowly, a red orb started to form before his palm.

The little orb grows from a tiny particle into a slightly big orb. It was sucking all the air around it.

The last time, I was lucky not to get hit. But now... I had to run. I kept staring at the ball and FLASH!

There was that flash again, inside my head. The flash I experienced when Akira called out to me.

All my feelings were gone. I didn't have fear. Nor pain. My legs started to work. They weren't trembling anymore.

The guy suddenly grinned when I got back to my feet. "BYE TSU!" The orb shot out towards me.

I was having mixed up feelings. I was kind of... grinning. "You can't..." I blurted.

I lost my sight and there were dark shapes. I felt my feet move and BOOM! I jumped. The pressure on my feet was tremendous.

It was like a sonic boom.


The orb hit the place where I was standing before and everyone who was around me turned to dust. It was a pain to see that. In a moment, so many lives vanished.

The boy laughed out loud.

His silver hair waved to the wind ripples. His red eyes gazed at me once more. "I'm coming..." the words were printed in that expression.

The wind pushed his jacket and I could see a katana beside his belt. His left hand reached for the katana and he raised his other to cast another one of the magical orbs at me.

"You little prick!" I yelled.

BLAST! Another one of the orbs shot towards me. Once again, the process from earlier happened. My view darkened and I had... Teleported.

"Haha! You brat! Playing with me eh!" The boy yelled. "But with this... There's no way I couldn't go home without your head!"

He pulled out his katana and held it with both his hands.

Then, his eyes darted to me. It took me a second to realize that everything was happening so fast. While the boy and myself moved fast, the others... They weren't.

We were moving faster than time itself.

"DIE!" The boy leaped at me, just the way I did. He came shooting towards me with the katana. "DIE YOU FREAK!"

I was hesitating again and Flash! The bright flash removed my feelings and thoughts. My mind was empty. I was moving from pure instinct. And I was 100% sure that those instincts weren't mine.

He was only inches away from me. Both of us were in mid-air. His katana sliced through the air, reaching for my waist.

"No!" I yelled and pulled my hands closer. They suddenly shook at light speed. I couldn't even see them move.

BAM! They thumped together and a powerful shockwave was created. I could see the blade shattering to bits and the boy being pushed back by the shockwave.

"AGHH!!!" The boy shot down and smashed into the ground.

I came down and landed on my feet. I looked around... The crowd was still running. They haven't even seen me. I was too fast... I had beaten time.

"TSUJII! You moron! Get ready to experience this!" The boy screamed once more.

I couldn't believe it. The kid was still alive. The smoke cleared and I had a clear view of him.

His forehead was bleeding. Blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. For some reason... I was happy to see his face like that.

'Power... This power saved me. I don't even know how to use it... But this feels so good.'

I looked at my hand. It was still slightly warping. I see it there... and here. It was warping faster than ever.

PEW! PEW! Few laser beams whistle by my ear. I ducked.

"FOOL! Start moving your feet! Do you want to die!" A Ring yelled out. 3 Rings on hoverboards circled the boy and these Rings... They were skilled.

They moved in the way that cop moved back in the attack of Akinoshita.

"Citizen! Run!"

I looked back and started to run. I didn't want to fight the boy. I didn't even know how to use the powers.

'You can do it Tsujii! You can do it!' I stopped trembling and started to run with my own will. My heart was skipping a beat each second.

I hadn't experienced this kind of a thrill in my whole. It was... Amazing.


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