Face Recognition

[ Jason Winters ]

I sat in the chair of my room. Moe-chan and I shared a single room. She was on her bunker bed, wondering about something.

I was thinking and thinking. I had no idea what I should do about the Glitch case. We had to get the mutation or I'd be dead.

On top of all, I was the leader.

"Senpai... Don't take the pressure so seriously... You know that the captain is playing with you, right?"

I sighed. "I know. But this case... It's the serious one, not my penalty. And the worst... Having to lead a damn group of morons!"

She laughed. "You know... You're the control freak type, Senpai!" She chuckled and rolled around her bunk bed, turning to me.

I looked up at her. She smiled.

I loved when Moe-chan smiled. She never does it much, but when she does... There's nothing else lovelier than that.

"Now! Are you getting any ideas about the case?"

I thought for a minute. I searched through my memories to see what happened that day. The Two Legs, the Gears, White Elf... But none of them were close to the tank. Who was?

And right at that moment... I remembered him. Tsujii... The very guy I helped instead of focusing on the damn mission! If he was standing still as I told him to, he must've been right beside the tank.

I thought for a moment.

"Moe-chan! What did the mutation look like? Was it an injection like usual... A gas? Or something else?"

She opened her eyes and stared at me. She was thinking about it.

"Umm... They said it looked like a floating cube!" She told me. I was confused.

I didn't ask Tsujii about anything from the attack. He was alone for more than 30 minutes... If I'm correct.

"I think I know who to talk to!" I said.

"Haha! See... Control freaks always have solutions!" Moe-chan said as she got up from her bed. "Come on! No time to waste! Let's do this before anything unpleasant happens!"

She jumped down from the bed. I smiled from the corner of my mouth and stood up.

The mirror reflected my face. My blonde hair, blue eyes, nice body... Hehe. I wish the mother could've seen me without the helmet.

"What are you smirking for you pervert! Don't tell me you checked me out when I was asleep!" Moe-chan screamed.

"Oh... I forgot." A pillow smashed into my face.



I went to take my helmet. Tsujii's face print was probably saved on it. I took the helmet and connected it to my laptop.

Moe-chan was standing beside my table. I searched for the faces I've seen yesterday and finally came through his.

Government Security had all sorts of access. With just the face, we can find every human activity and their identities.

"Got him!"

I found his face and searched for the man's identity and his activities.


• ID no: 1889909982

• Contact: +81 991 009 123

• Born in: 12/09/2010

We had a full set of information about him, besides the main information. I searched for his latest activity and BOOM!

"The Drowned Dragon..." he was staying in this hotel. A bit famous one.

"Hmm... I located him."

Moe-chan peeked into the computer. "Oh! The Drowned Dragon! My brother lived there... Once..." she said.

"Well then... Let's get going—"

Randomly I scrolled down and saw the guy's occupation. He was the famous author of one of the most popular light novels!

No one knew his identity and there it was... This was the novel I read every morning... I still do!

How?! I saved his damn family!

"Wha—" Moe-chan saw it too. "Jason!!! That is the world's best author! My all-time favorite light novelist!" She screamed.

She was about to cry. I could feel it from her desperate cries. "I need to meet him!"

Well... What can I say? I talked to him! I fucking saved his family! I... Am I popular too now?

Moe-chan wrapped her hands around me and started to shake me like a monster. "We're gonna meet the one and only—"

"AGhhhh! AHSJDB!"

I couldn't breathe. I was blurting out random words so she would let me go.

"Oh... Sorry! Haha! I'm just too excited!" She screamed again.

"Well... Keep calm. We need to find this guy."

I wondered for a moment. Even though his main characters were cool... He was a total wimp. Huh... I thought he would be like a buff guy from the way he explained those characters.



We left the Ring Council and teleported to Akinoshita. The Drowned Dragon was not far away from the place we'd teleported to.

We were both suited as Rings. We were prohibited to leave the base without getting suited.

We hovered through the streets and came to the hotel. "Hmm... This place. This is where the rich are..." Moe-chan told me.

I looked up at the building. It was a damn beauty. An enormous dragon carved from stone was mounted on the roof of the building.

"Darn... That's just friggin amazing!"

We walked into the building. I had Tsujii's face printed on my tablet. Then, we came to the counter.

"Hmm... What is your business here, gentlemen?" The guy at the counter asked me. I looked at Moe-chan.

She cleared her throat, a bit loudly.

"Oh! Sorry! Ladies and gentlemen..." the guy said. I shook my head and turned the tablet around, showing him Tsujii's face.

"This guy... I need to know which apartment he rented."

The guy narrowed his eyes, staring at the tablet. "I remember that guy! The skinny one with the hot woman and a little girl... Well... Let me see."

He pointed the screen in his wristwatch to the tablet and scanned Tsujii's face. Ting! A sound came from his watch.

"There it is... Apartment number 13... Third floor..." the guy said.

He smirked at Moe-chan but she ignored him. "Okay... Thanks for the tip."

"My pleasure..."

Nowadays, everything needed face recognition. Even renting an apartment needed face recognition. It was part of the law. So... Breaking the law was just a ticket to prison.


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