Unexpected Reactions

[ Tsujii Tameoshi ]

I covered my face with my hand when I saw my wife's expression. That pale white face I've never seen before. A distant fear I have never seen in my life.

"I'm sorry...." I whispered with a sigh.

She came closer to me and sat on the couch on the spot right beside me. "Give me your hands..." she said.

I looked into her eyes, her paleness fading away bit by bit. I raised my hand and her soft fingers grasped my hand.

Then, she looked into my eyes. Slowly, she crossed her fingers with mine. "From these hands... You killed a woman, right...."

My heart started to beat faster. I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I felt the urge to clean the fear with a flash from my power just like I did since the day I got it. But, deep down... I wanted to stay clean. I didn't clean my feelings.

"Yes..." I whispered.

Suddenly, she pushed me down to the couch and got onto me; our fingers stilled crossed.

She placed her head in my chest and breathed. "You're hesitating... You lied didn't you?"

Out of all the others, she would know that. She would know that I lied. My heart was skipping a beat as the second passed.

Then, she raised her head and looked at my face with a sweet smile. "Remember Foxy... That day I made you fall in love with me, you said when I lie... My heart never raised. But when I look into your eyes and say you're my best friend, your heart did raise...."

That moment, I could remember like yesterday. I obviously lied that time. I didn't want to be her friend... I wanted to be her boyfriend.

She placed both her hands in my chest and pushed me tightly to the couch. "Everything I would do from now on... Is only for you and Mitsu, Can you remember that too, Foxy?" She continued.

"You lied to them... But you can't lie to me. I know you since you were 15. I know everything about you, Foxy...."

For some reason... This is getting hot. She suddenly, lowered her body until she was only inches away from my face. Her lips were almost touching mine.

"Liar... I know what you do is just for Mitsu and me. But don't forget... We need you alive, otherwise, it's worthless for us to live. Please... Don't do anything stupid Foxy. Be my sly fox... Not my stupid one," she chuckled.

This reaction was totally... Unexpected. But as usual, she did something unexpected, just like every single day. There were still secret forms I haven't seen from her.

Many secrets to uncover about my wife. I felt really foolish when I figured that I didn't know the very least about my wife.

Suddenly, she kissed me on the lips. "Now... Will you do that for us?" She whispered in my ear.

I wrapped my arms around her. I smiled, almost in tears. "You're the best person I've ever met, Akira. You're the one God I worship...."

I kissed her lips and rolled her around. "Thank you for... Always being there for me...."

"I'm there for you, because you were there for me since the moment I met you...."



Time passed and it was 6 pm in no time. After some romance on the couch, Akira went to get some sleep. I told her that I was going out at 6 and she didn't ask me anything. She just simply said...

"Be back for Mitsu...."

I agreed with her. I had to be back for her, otherwise, it'll break her heart. She didn't know what I was doing, but if she knew that I was doing something this dangerous, she might take action.

I was in my room, looking at the cupboard to find something good for camouflage at night.

And I knew the perfect one.

The white and blue sweatshirt that had "I love Ice-cream," written in big blue words.

Yep... That was the shirt to wear if you want real camouflage. No suspicions. Everyone would notice someone who wears a black shirt with a hood. But someone who has "I love Ice-cream," written on their shirt? Probably not.

As they say, the best place to hide is in plain sight.

After that... I headed out of the hotel with the watch the Reapers gave me, on my wrist.

"Here!" I waved my hand and stopped a taxi that was moving by in the road.

"Where to sir?"

"The Forest..." I answered the man.

"Oh... Very strange to see a guy going to the Forest these days. And teens are going wild with paintball matches in the Forest these days..." the guy chuckled.

I went along with him and enjoyed the gossips.

Then, we arrived at the Forest. The reason I arrived at the Forest was because the Reapers asked me to. They said the Woods was the safest place to pick me up.

And yes... It was.

"Thanks for the ride," I sent the taxi away after dropping off at the Forest. "Hmm... Paintball matches, eh?"

Quite interesting gossips. The moon was up and I could see a million stars shining in the sky. No cloud to hide the stars above me.

I walked into the Forest, for some distance. And then, I decided to give them the signal.

The watch looked like a normal digital watch, but there must be some secrets since it was from the Reapers.

"Huh... How do I use this thing?" I asked myself, looking at the watch screen.

<< Voice Detected: Tsujii Tameoshi >>


<< Welcome to the Reapers >>

The words are displayed on the watch screen. I guess they already added voice recognition... And they didn't even ask me...

"How can I help you, fellow Reaper?"

That was the voice of the system AI. Hmm... It sounded like a woman, although it was more like the angel of death.

"Well... I need to give the Reapers a signal to come to pick me up!" I said to the system.

"Sending signal now!"

"...." I waited for a moment.

"Signal sent! Ship arriving...."

"Wow! That was damn quick, huh?" And that was it. I looked up and didn't see anything for quite a while.

I decided to sit down under a tree and after a short while, I saw a blue light in the sky.

"Do you hear me, Tsujii!" That was Oki-san's voice I was hearing through the watch. "Huh... Is that you, Oki-san?"

"Yes... Please go to a space without trees... I'll pick you!"

"Aye! Aye!" I circled someplace and finally found a raised ground with open space.

I looked at the green light and it flashed. A blue ray of light blasted down towards me and caught me. "Wha—" my whole body distorted and I got sucked into the beam of light.


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