After two hours in this damn meeting of whether not packs were going to renew their peace contracts or not, it was currently half and half in the room. Half the packs wanted to keep it neutral, while the other half wanted nothing to do with the Blue Moon pack.

"Alpha Vasty?? What say you?" Elder Andrew asked.

"Nay," I respond in one word. The room fell quiet and dark. Even though six other packs rescinded their contracts, losing me would be a huge blow to the Blue Moon pack, and they knew it. "I refuse to be neutral let alone become allies with a pack as cruel and demented as this one," I explained.

"Does this have to do with your mate?" Elder Answer asked.

"Part of it does yes, but personally, I've wanted out of this treaty with Bluemoon since I took over as Alpha. I would never associate myself or my pack with the pack of murderers and abusers," everyone gasp at my words, and Maximiano's eyes turned black.

"Alpha Vasty, everyone in this room knows that what happened to the Silver Moon pack was done legally," Alpha Richard said. "As heinous as it was, it was still legal,"

"I am not questioning the legality of it, Alpha Richard," I snarled. "Legal or not, Maximiano didn't have to kill the entire pack. He could have released them live as loners, or as non-violent rouges so they could at least have a life, but no, he didn't, he slaughtered them all," I looked at back Maximiano who was seething in anger, and Max was just sitting there not saying anything. He was such a weak Alpha. And not only did he do that, but he kidnapped the Alpha's daughter and forced her into slavery at the age of eight, made her cook, clean, abused her, made her sleep in a shoe closet under the stairs, and made her clean herself in the pond out back behind this sorry excuse of a packhouse.

"Alpha's daughter?" Alpha Ray asked. The entire table started to mumble in confusion.

"Oh, did he not mention this to you all? Erah, my mate, she is the lost daughter of Alpha Damianus Gail Boudreaux," the room burst into gasps of horror and surprise.

"MAximiano, is it true?" Richard asked.

"I don't know what he's talking about! Erah was born here, her parents died in a rogue attack," Maximiano stuttered.

"And Erah is not your mate!!" Max shouted standing to his feet. "She is my mate! I have already claimed her!"

"You can't claim something that has been rejected," I told him. His eyes turned black and so did mine. He was never going to give her up. He only wanted her for her Alpha blood.

"You're just like your father Max. You only care about money and power. You rejected Erah because you thought she was an orphaned Omega, but then you found out she was an Alpha's daughter, and now you're trying to stake your claim, I stood to my feet and walked towards him. He was a lot shorter than me, so I towered over him. "Erah has already accepted the rejection, and she has accepted me as her mate, your impotent attempts to claim her are just a waste of time and energy,"

"I see no reason for Szevastian to lie about these claims," Ray said.

"I too believe he is telling the truth," Richard stated.

"Elder Andrew, I would like to retract my vote on remaining neutral with BlueMoon," Alpha Renon of the Black Moon Pack stated.

"As would I," Alpha Kianno of the Crescent Moon Pack announced.

"Gentlemen, please be reasonable," Elder Andrew pleaded. Out of the dozen pack leaders, NIne have now entered a rivalry with Blue Moon Pack, which meant, they could easily challenge Max for his title if they ever wanted to.

"Elder Andrew," Richard stood to his feet, "I suggest you decide on when you plan on retiring,"

"I beg your pardon?"

"When I return home, I will call a meeting with the other Elders and see what will be done about you having turned a blind eye to such heinous crime,"

"If this meeting is adjourned, I will take my leave first," I told to everybody in the room. "Let's go, Alfred," we both leave the conference room and head towards the stairs. "PAck your things and get the car ready. I want to be out of here in fifteen minutes,"

"You got it," Alfred ran up the stairs first. I took a deep breath and went up myself. When I got to the fourth floor, I can hear a group of girls snickering and some shouting along with it. I peaked around and saw a group of girls right outside my guestroom.

"COME ON ERAH! WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" shouted a familiar high-pitched voice as she banged on the door. "Open the f*****g door!"

"GO AWAY NICOLE!" I heard Erah shout.


"F**k off Mouse!" Erah shouted.

"Break it down!" Nicole shouted.

Three of the other girls kicked the door but didn't dodge. They kicked it again, but nothing.

"I said break it down!"

"We're trying!"

"Get away from there!" I shouted at them and growled. The girls gasped and immediately bowed their heads, but not Nicole.

"Vasty," Nicole said.

That's Alpha VAsty to you!" I growled. I grabbed her by the throat and lifted her in the air. "I warned you to stay away from Erah, but you didn't listen, and now you are going to reap the consequences," my eyes turned black and my canines prosecuted out. "Erah, my love, I will be right back," I said to the door knowing she could hear me, I dragged Nicole back down to the conference room where I figured out everyone still remained. I kicked open the door,

"Alpha Vasty, what is the meaning of this?" Richard asked. "What..." he paused when he saw that I had Nicole by the throat.

"UNHAND MY DAUGHTER!" Maaximiano shouted.

"Your daughter needs to be taught a lesson, Maximiano. I've warned her multiple times and so has my Beta, yet she still seems to think it is okay to harass my mate," I growl. At this point, it's not even me who is speaking, it's King.

"Perhaps Erah deserves it," Maximiano says.

Big mistakes.

"I didn't realize that staying in her room silently resting is a crime," MAximiano couldn't say anything.

"Dad! Help me!" Nicole shrieked, and King dug his claws into her neck. She screamed out in pain. Maximiano try to move forward but Ray stopped him.

"You are no longer Alpha. Max must protect his pack, not yours," he tells him.

"Max! do something! Don't you just stand there!" Nicole shouted.

"Yes Max, try and do something. Or are you that much of a coward to help your sister? You're man enough to hit and beat Erah, but you're not man enough to your sister's aid," King tells him.

"Unhand my sister, she has done nothing wrong," Max says with confidence.

"She has done plenty wrong, you and your father are just too weak and pathetic to admit it. You're the reasons why she's a slut and self-entitled little bitch," King picks her up again by her throat and sinks his claws deeper. She screams out more."Nicole Smitherson, this is your final warning. Stay away from Erah. If you even looked at her, I will reap your heart out, "Nicole is crying at his point, But I have no remorse for her. I normally would never hurt a woman, but Nicole pushed my final buttons. Without waiting for a response, KIng threw her across the room where she landed right in front of her father. She coughed for air, and her neck is bleeding from the claw marks in her neck.

Without looking back, I ran upstairs to make sure the other she-wolves didn't keep trying to f**k with Erah. Luckily, they weren't there when I arrived. I opened the door with the key and let myself in.

"My, love, are you okay?" I asked Erah who was sitting in the corner hugging her knees.

"I'm fine,"

"Let's pack up and leave. You've been in this hellhole long enough," she nodded her head. I quickly packed up my things and had her put her stuff into my bag. I take her hand and leave the room. Before we could make it to the stairs, Max was in front of us and standing in our way.

"Erah, please don't go," he said. I quickly wrapped my arm around Erah's waist and brought her close to me. "Erah, please, I'm not after for your Alpha blood, I made a mistake," was this kid serious right now?

"What are you trying to tell me?," Erah asked.

"Erah, I love you,"Max said. "I always found you attractive, even when we were kids, I wanted to be your friend, but my father wouldn't let me,"

"Is that supposed to excuse how you and your family treated me all these years? How your father is the reason why my family is dead? Why do I have to live a life of slavery?" Erah pushed me away. "LOOK WHAT YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR PACK DID TO ME!!" she lifted her shirt overhead and completely took it off. That's when I saw it, bruises and scars all over her. I cringed at the sight before me. Max couldn't even lift his head to look at the damage on her body. "LOOK AT MY BODY MAX!!" he still didn't lookup. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Always so proud and so strong when you physically hit me, dragged me down the stairs, burned me with boiling water, or threw glass objects over me, but you can't even look at your work,"

"Erah, my love, please put your shirt back on," I hated seeing her shirtless with nothing but a bra on. Mostly because of jealousy, she was showing herself to Max, but also because King was about five seconds from taking over and making love to her on the stairs.

"You have some nerve telling you to love me, when all these years, all you and your family did was torment me, beat me, starve me, treat me like dirt, and forced me to bathe in the pond outback," she said putting her shirt back on. "F**k you Max. You don't even know what the word love means," without even waiting for me, she shoved her shoulder against his knocking him out of the way. I smirked to see him so defeated and seeing Erah stand up for herself like that made my d**k hard in my jeans. I caught up to Erah at the top of the stairs, "And if I wasn't clear before, let me be clear now," she turned around and face him. "I HATE YOU, MAX SMITHERSON!" she went down the stairs. I took a deep breath and turn around to face Max.

"Let's get one thing straight, Max. Erah was never yours. You were never meant to have her. I might be her second chance, but Erah was mine long before ever stepping foot into this house," he looked at me and glared. I smirked again and went downstairs to meet up with Erah. When I got downstairs, Erah was waiting at the front door with Alfred, just as we were about to walk out, we heard a loud roar and cry from upstairs. it was so loud it shook the entire house.

"Oh my Goodness that's Max!" Nefali shouted coming from the kitchen. Maximiano soon emerged from the conference room. They both ran upstairs and made our leave.