After Erah said those painful words and finally walked away, I fell on my knees and held my chest. I could feel every fiber of my soul being torn out of me. The woman I loved hated me, and it was my own fault. Was this the karma people always talked about? "What goes around, comes around," that saying that everyone taught to you at an early age. I didn't think it would be possible to feel this much pain, but I did, and I couldn't make it stop. I did the only thing I could do.

"AAAHHHH!!!" I roared and cried. I cried for the first time in my life since I was a child. My roar shook the entire packhouse, and I knew that everyone heard it. The cry from an Alpha can be felt and heard by all his pack members.

"Max, What's the matter?" I heard my mother's voice. I just sat on my knees and I cried. I wallowed like some schoolgirl.

"Talk to me, Sweetheart!"

"GET THE F**K AWAY FROM ME!" I snarled at her. This is also all her fault. This was all our fault. I never wanted to be cruel to Erah, they made me.

"Son! Do not speak to your mother that way!" my dad snapped back.

"Or what?" I snarred at him. "Are you going to threaten to kill me again like you did when I was ten!? Who the f**k does that!? Who the f**k threaten their child!?"

"What is he talking about, MAximiano? my mother asked.

"Yes, Father! Tell Mom what I'm talking about!" I turned to face her. "When he first brought Erah home, I wanted to be her friend! But father threaten to kill me if I even so much as even said hello to her."

"Maximiano, you threaten our son?"

"He was the future Alpha! I needed him to be strong and ruthless like me! He didn't have time to make friends!"


"Max, what are you talking about? What do you mean to love you back?"

"It's nothing Nefali," my father lied to her.

"Look at you, lying to your wife,' I sneered at him. "Erah was my mate! But I rejected her because I thought she was a rouge! When it actually, she's an Alpha's daughter! She's the heir of the Silver Moon pack of the North mother!", my mother stood frozen in her spot. "And I'm hopelessly in love with her, but she hates me! BECAUSE OF THE TWO OF YOU AND NICOLE!" I roared in their face.

"Max, sweetheart, you're not making any sense!"


"Max, don't talk to mom that way!" Nicole shouted coming from the stairs.

"F**K YOU TO NICOLE!" I roared at her. "YOU'RE JUST AS MUCH TO BLAME AS THEY ARE!" she stopped dead in her tracks. "HAD YOU BACKED THE F**K OFF VASTY SAID THEN MAYBE I WOULD HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN ERAH BACK! BUT NO!!" I roared again making her whimper. "You had to be stupid narcissistic bitch you have always been and f*****d up everything!"

"Max, please calm down!"

"For f***s sake, do you not know what shut up means, mother?"

"Max, you need to take a step back! you may be the Alpha, but we are still your parents, and I will not hesitate to you put in your place!" my father threatened.

"Lay even one finger on me, and I will banish all of you!"

"Sweetheart, you will get a second chance, you're an Alpha, you can't run a pack without a Luna, the moon goddess will..."

"I DON'T WANT A SECOND CHANCE!!!!" I WANT ERAH!!" I pushed past them and stormed off. I ran out the front door and as soon as my feet hit the soil, Mino ripped through the surface.

You only have yourself to blame, Max. I told you not to reject her! Mino blamed me.

Well, I would never have, had my family not forced me to treat her like shit!

No one forced you! I even gave you an out, but you didn't listen!

You hear her, Mino. She would have rejected us anyway.

But I wouldn't have let you accept it, it would have left an opening to us, but no, you had to choose your pride over love!

I snubbed him into the back of my mind, and we just went for a run to clear our heads. I needed to figure out a way to win Erah back. Elder Andrew screwed, She hasn't once she said she accepted Vasty as her mate, only him said it. Maybe there was still a chance.


The drive to Vasty's pack would take about four or five hours, and I just stared out the window silent majority all the way. I wasn't sure what I was going to do when I got there. I knew that Vasty was my second chance mate, and he was already showing me how much he cared by all the things that he was doing for me that no one had ever done. But U couldn't help but wonder if this was all too real. That it was all too good to be true. I had the nagging feeling that his pack wouldn't accept me as their Luna, I mean I am after all technically a rogue wolf.

I had no pack, no parents, no family, regardless if I am an Alpha's daughter, I was nothing. If Vasty's pack didn't accept me, there was nothing sopping Vasty from rejecting me. I'm honestly half expecting it, but I mean, honestly, why on earth would the moon goddess bother pairing a worthless orphan like me with Alpha like Vasty? I should just reject Vasty myself and just live alone. I'd have a better chance of just living off the grid as a human.

Stop thinking like that!

Like what Thalia? The truth, the inevitable.

Why do you automatically assume Vasty is going to reject us?

Look at him... He's so perfect and I am nobody,

So, you're calling me nobody?

No, of course not. You're the other half of me. You're the only somebody in my life that matters.

You're right, I am your other half. We may be two different souls, but we are one body and one mind Erah. I you say you are a nobody, then I am also nobody to you.

That's not fair, Thalia!

Isn't it? I understand why you are hesitant about Vasty's love, but don't be. It is sincere, it is wholehearted, and it is true. Vasty loves us.

I snubbed Thalia to the back of my mind after that. Could Vasty really love me, for who I am?


"Yeah?" I replied just looking out the window.

"Are you alright?"

"I don't know,"

"Will you look at me please my love," I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and looked over Vasty. Goddess, he was so good-looking. "Talk to me," What was I supposed to say? That was I already falling for him, after only two days of knowing him, but I am so afraid of rejection that I don't want to give in to my feelings.

"What do you want me to say?"

"The truth," his eyes were pleading, but I just couldn't. I just shook my head and turned back to the window. "My love,"

"I said I would give you a chance, so I ask that you give me time in return." was all I said before he let out a heavy sigh himself.

"Okay, I will give you all the time you need. Just know that I will always be here," his voice sounded so broken, and all I wanted to do is just lean on him and tell him that I do care and That I want this to work, but I'm just not ready to do that yet.

As I was admiring the amazing scenery outside the car window, we came to a sudden halt. I look up and saw that we were at the gate, a fairly large gate at that. Alfred rolled down the window, and a man walked towards him,

"Alpha, Beta, welcome home, he bowed his head. "OPEN THE GATE!" I watched as the gate opened, and we drove in. I figured we would be going into a neighborhood of some sort, but instead, we are going deeper and deeper into the mountains. I was confused, where was this pack actually located? I sat up a little bit and looked out the front as Alfred kept driving.

Then out of the blue, we entered a small town. All the houses were beautiful and were mostly built with logs and wood. As cleared the village, we around another mountain.

"Erah, welcome to the South Moon Pack," Vasty said. I looked ahead and saw a massive blue lake. It stretched across so far, I couldn't even see the other side of it. It was in the middle of the mountain terrain, and it was absolutely beautiful. It made the lake at Silver moon look too small, and that is not easy to do. As we went around the lake, we were met with a cut in the lake that showed another small town, and at the end of the town was,

"A CASTLE!?" I shouted when I saw it come into view.

"Yes, my love, we live in a castle," Vasty says.

"Erah, our pack is the largest in the South part of the Earth," Alfred said from the driver's seat.

"How many?"I asked

"Over 10,000 more,"

Vasty replied. I looked over him in complete shock.

"How many rooms are in the castle?"

"Uh, about 200 or more. Only ranked members and their families live in the castle. Alpha and Luna have the entire fifth floor to themselves, I have the fourth floor, Jason our gamma, and his mate Mulan whom you will meet when we pull up in on the third, our parents and siblings live on the second, and the first floor is the conference rooms, pack hospital, recreation center, event hall, dining room, library, and kitchen," Alfred replied.

"Wow, that's crazy. It makes Bluemoon sounds so small," I reply.

"And guess what?"Vasty said. I looked at him. "It's all yours," Oh my Goddess, he was right. If I accepted my duty as Luna, this would all be mine. I would be the Luna to the largest pack in the world. That was actually a very scary thought.

"Um... I don't... I can't... That's..." I started to panic.

"Hey, calm down my love, just breath," he said while trying to contain his laughter.

"Vasty, I'm just 18, how am I supposed to raise a pack of over 10,000?" I asked with a panic tone.

"One, you wouldn't be running it, you would help me run it, along with Alfred, Jason and Mulan. Two, your age is no relevance. You're an Alpha by nature, that's why you never took shit from anyone all this years, your genealogy would not allow it, and three, even if you weren't an Alpha, you can do anything you set your mind to," he said and kiss my cheek again. What is with him and kissing my cheek? I wouldn't deny that I enjoyed it, and it makes my body heat up from the inside out, but I wasn't going to admit that to him.