You Would See Him Soon

Dehlia woke up to a throbbing headache; it almost seemed like someone was bringing down a hammer on her head. Although the strong smell of herbs and medicine was what caused her to forcibly open her eyes.

A whimper left Dehlia's mouth as she sat up way too fast, a sharp pain shooting through her. Sweat beaded her forehead and her breath came way too fast. Dehlia felt a bit suffocated and that was because something was wrapped around her chest. It was a fine linen fabric and she guessed it served as bondage or something.

Dehlia was confused as to what was happening, no, she should be dead by now. The last thing she remembered was drowning in that magically induced wave created by that bastard! 

Fine, she would definitely kick him in the place where the sun never shines once she gets the opportunity. 

No wonder the system said she was recuperating. Someone must have saved her ass. Dehlia looked around the room, it was nothing like the one in her world but she was grateful for the fact it wasn't a thatched hut else she would be covered in straws and dust by now. 

Surprisingly, the house was made of bricks - red brinks. Even the ground was a spiral pattern of red bricks. The room was almost empty save the bed and side table with the medicine containers on top of it and incense. 

"You are awake," Someone said from behind, causing her to whip around. 

It was an elderly woman, Dehlia noticed. She was quite plumpy and had a kind smile on her face. Dehlia didn't know whether to relax or be wary of her. Trusting people was not exactly her forte and she had lived long enough on her own that she didn't need other people's support.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, dear, I intend no harm. If I had wanted you dead, I would have not treated you nor snatched you from the gate of hades because trust me, you were quite close to it," the woman said jovially as if it hadn't been a serious matter.

Dehlia relaxed, the woman didn't bear any ill intent. However, she still didn't let her defenses down. For all she knows, this might be a cannibalistic witch trying to appear nice so she can eat her later. Dehlia has been forced to believe that anything was possible in this strange world she came into.

"How long have I been out?" Dehlia asked. 

"Out?" The woman asked confused, "You've been here all this while," And that was when Dehlia realized that this wasn't her earth and they were not aware of the terminologies used there.

"I mean, how long have I been asleep?" there was a little annoyance in her tone. Dehlia would have to watch the way she spoke and it was quite stressful.

"Oh. That? A week," The woman answered.

"A week?" Dehlia was stunned.

It didn't feel like a week at all, it felt more like a minute. One moment she was drowning, the next the system summoned her subconsciousness and the next, well, here she is.

"You were almost dead that it's a miracle you survived. You need to rest now to heal properly,"

"No! No resting!" Dehlia protested. She has been sleeping for a week in a place she had no single idea about. It was time to make a move. 

Yet Dehlia didn't even reach the door when she grunted in pain. Did those vampires crush her ribs or something? No, that won't be the case else the broken bones would have pierced into her lungs, and…. the possibilities went on and on in Dehlia's head. Maybe this woman was right, she narrowly escaped death. 

Embarrassed, Dehlia gently went back to the bed and sat on the edge. She felt better. She then glanced up at the woman who had an understanding smile and asked, "Who are you, and why are you helping me?" 

"I'm Juliet and I'm not the one who helped you, my Master did." The woman replied while clearing the medicine containers and incense. 

"Your master did?" Dehlia's sixth sense kicked in. She didn't like the sound of this and the hairs on her arm stood on edge as if in agreement with her fears. 

"He was the one who found you on the brink of death and instructed me to do everything I can to heal you," 

"Do everything you can to heal me?" Dehlia muttered to herself. It almost sounded like she was important? 

Unfortunately, Dehlia was a nobody. She was nothing but a human, but whoever saved her seems to think otherwise. And those were all the signs she needed. 

The warning bells went off in Dehlia's head again. She had to leave here. Now! 

So while the woman was rambling on about how kind and righteous her master was, Dehlia's eyes were doing a quick scan around the room. She was searching for a weapon. 

The room was literally empty but finally, she found it, a pestle inside the mortar. Dehlia figured out it must be what Juliet used to grind the herbs she used on her. 


Unfortunately, it was on the floor and across from her, Juliet was the closest to it. So Dehlia stood up, pushing her fears and nervousness to the back of her mind. 

"Your master is a perfect gentleman," Dehlia engaged her in a conversation, intending to distract her and not to be seen as suspicious when she stood. 

"Yes, he is," Juliet agreed, turning back to what she was doing. It seems she was replacing the herbs in the container with fresher ones. 

"I would love to see him," Dehlia kept on speaking even as she slightly bent to retrieve the pestle from behind. It was quite a huge strain and weighed on her breathing, not to mention it hurt like hell but Dehlia didn't give up until she held the blunt, heavy, club-shaped object.

Dehlia straightened her height instantly when Juliet turned to say, "You would see him soon, he just left a while ago. Anyway, I think there must be a pestle -" 

"Behind me," Dehlia finished the sentence for Juliet as she hit her on the back of the head with it and the woman slumped to the ground.