She Prayed For An Angel To Save Her

She killed her, that was the first thought that crept into Dehlia's mind as the woman on the floor didn't move. Her hands and lips trembled, this was the first time she had harmed a human being. 

However, Dehlia remembered the system's words, this was a game and not reality. In that case, this wasn't real and no one would arrest her when she returns to her real world, right? So she took to her heels. 

There was no more time, Dehlia was sure of that. Juliet confirmed her master was around the corner and Dehlia wasn't so confident she could outrun a vampire. 

The house was a simple cottage and she made it downstairs after walking down the wooden stairs that creaked with every step. The noise was enough to give out her location to those predatory creatures. 

Dehlia didn't know whether to be relieved she was out of that maid dress or not. The current dress she was wearing had a thick petticoat that made it hard to walk in it not to talk of running. It was as if the universe was making things hard for her. 

Every movement she took hurt like hell and now, the skirt comes to slow her down? It was irritating coupled with her situation. 

The cottage was in the middle of nowhere. All that surrounded Dehlia was a thick, tall forest, there was nowhere to go. However, she was not discouraged, if they got her here somehow, there must be a way out. 

Dehlia didn't know how long she ran deeper into the forest but she was sure her body had taken quite a toll. The thought of even breathing hurt and she had bruises on her knee where she had tripped so many times she couldn't count anymore. She had walked barefooted hence her feet were dirtied and bloodied from sharp roots piercing into them.

She was thirsty as hell and needed to rest. Gosh, she hadn't thought of her body's needs when she ventured into this unplanned journey. All that had mattered at that moment was getting away from that cottage. But now, Dehlia is beginning to regret it.

With no choice left, Dehlia sat down against the trunk of a tree to rest. It didn't help matters that evening was beginning to fall and for some strange reasons, the forest was eerily silent than usual. There were no sounds of birds chirping musically nor their wings flapping in the sky. Even the rustling of trees had stopped and that made her senses sharpen than usual. 

Dehlia knew the lack of those noises was an ominous sign and was prepared to get back to get her feet when her gaze settled on one of the trees. She saw something gas leave the tree and her eyes widened in shock. That was not normal at all. 

Truthfully, the only reason Dehlia had decided to rest at that spot was because of the scent. The tree seemed to have a refreshing smell and Dehlia thought it would be nice resting there. But now she saw the gas, she realized the scent was overly sweet, no, it was sickeningly sweet as if it was designed to enthrall. Enthrall what?

Dehlia tried to stand but she couldn't, her body seemed to have become mushy. No, she was paralyzed. 

She willed her body to move yet it wouldn't listen to her. The color of her environment distorted to sepia and it was at that moment that Dehlia saw some details she hadn't noticed before.

Merged with the trees were unmistakably human skeletons. But the bones were so old and dry, it had almost become one with the tree. To make matters worse, it wasn't just one, nor two, nor three trees. It was uncountable.

Dehlia screamed but no noise came out of her mouth. She sensed some twitching behind her and didn't need a prophet to tell her what was going on. These were carnivorous trees - she was about to be eaten alive. Those were the last thoughts in Dehlia's mind before sleep pulled her in once more.

If Dehlia had felt paralyzed earlier, she was stuck this time. When she awoke, the night had fallen and there was no trace of life. Although the temperature had fallen, sweat formed on Dehlia's head because she was in pain.

Strong twigs curled around her arm and stomach, Dahlia felt she was being pulled deeper into the inside of the tree with passing seconds. She was scared out of her mind.

She thought of summoning her system but what was the use? The only skill she had in her inventory was stealth and it was pretty useless to her at this junction nor did she have credit points to purchase weapons. To crown it all, she had outstanding debts. There was no way the system would loan out a skill once again.

Moreover, the system told her the only way she could survive this world was with her wits and skills. The system didn't care about her because once she died, it would find a replacement. 

But she couldn't die this way! At least not eaten by a plant - that was quite embarrassing. What would she tell her ancestors once she arrived in the afterlife? Well, you couldn't blame her, the system didn't exactly give her a guidebook nor a tour of the world she arrived in. 

Dehlia began to struggle fiercely, determined not to die like this. However, the more she struggled, the tighter the twigs cramped down on her lungs, almost crashing it. Dehlia screamed in pain, this was too much. 

She saw her life flash before her eyes, so this was how everything was going to end? Dehlia couldn't help but curse the system and whatever forces that helped bring her into this strange world. It would have been much better if they had let her enjoy her mundane life back on earth. 

Dehlia was not afraid of death, however, she was scared of dying alone. At least back in her world, she made arrangements for her body to be moved once she dies. But here? Who would discover her body? She would not be buried and would forever remain as manure to this plant. 

And for the first time in a long time, Dehlia prayed for an angel to save her.