
"You have been dating two people at the same time?" Emmanuel reproached.

I wanted to speak to Mariam as she was the one to whom I always ran whenever I had emotional or love-related issues.

This time, she was in the middle of writing her exams and I didn't want to bother her with my never-ending boy problems.

Therefore, I decided to call the next best person who would at least listen and offer advice. 

Alternatively, I would have met up with Ugochi but telling her meant that she would either blab to August or not even understand at all because she hardly knew much about my relationship with Tobi. 

I didn't see the point in giving her the full story of my relationship with Tobi so I only gave her the gist of it. 

However, I needed someone who knew and witnessed the entirety of my relationship with Tobi, and who also knew about me and Reuben.

Therefore, I called Emmanuel who hadn't started his exams yet.