The White Throne

Earth Year 2708, December 28.

The decisive battle between Walkers is happening on the Walker's headquarters at Planet X. The planet was eerily like blue Earth but with only one single huge doughnut shaped continent and a portable sun revolving around it instead of a moon.

The whole continent is made of lush green forests, underground bases, and supernatural Walker Leaders who could damage Earth's spaceships by jumping into space from ground and hitting it with their bare hands.

Humans were not powerful enough to attack their base, this fact every top leader of humans and walkers knew. So, it was an almost impossible scene for humans to attack the base on a single day with the lead of Divine Hero Drake Wilson.

The young blonde man wearing black tactical suits of Super Hunter Corps was not super bulky like the S Rank Hunters with physical enhancements neither he was agile like S Rank Assassins who walked in the shadows of the lush forest and acted as the scout. No, with a ripped 7 feet body he was average in terms of appearance if he is compared against other S Class but he was the one who led this attack with 500 million soldiers who chose to fight with him instead of fighting a lengthy war just like some wanted.

Their bloodied war cry echoed throughout the planet as millions of humans fought with sheer number to kill their arch enemies once and for all. As the Divine Hero and his team charged towards the base while leaving a trail of blood and destruction on the planet of Walkers a 6 Feet 6 inches figure was watching it.

It was a lean ripped figure of a man who was not like humans with flesh and bones. His whole body was made of blue mana which sparked continuously showing the lively nature of his Elemental Body. Man had no clothes, but his man fuelled body shined even brighter than the portable sun, which was 1000x smaller than the ones at Solar System, strangely enough no one was looking at this sudden blue light and went on towards their fight for survival.

Man had long wavy hair made of blue sparkling mana lines as thin as real hair and extended upto his heels. With his insanely handsome pale angular face with blue marks and sharp hawk eyes with shining blue eyes he was monitoring the war since he came here, he wanted to try his powers and destroy the base of Walkers once again, this time not as the Divine Hero Drake Wilson but as the Cypher of Umbra.

Yes, the figure was Bai Changming who was forced to watch his whole life on Earth due to some strange power which appeared at the last day of his seclusion when he broke the last ring of his mana heart and got a Mana Body. He was only one step way to mold his soul into an immortal one with remaining mana, but before he could he was brought here in his new mana body and forced to watch his whole life without any power to interact with this memory world. He too decided to let it happen and was waiting for the one responsible for this event appear and explain why he is here.

After 6 hours the fight went into climax as he fought against 7 Lords of his own the war ended with him releasing his final attack and getting caught up by the golden bright light as he killed them, the very light which teleported him to Arcadia to fight again.

As the light flashed the whole scene stopped and broke into fragments which came together to form a huge hall which appeared to have come straight from an old castle. The hall had 6 thrones on its left and right side with huge black banners flowing from the ceiling behind them. Each banner had different golden symbols engraved into them.

This was the Hall of Schools, an astral place made for everyone using Magic System. New Immortals come here after becoming a Magus Supreme to select their school but sometimes the Hall can call to them while they are in the ascension ritual just like now.

The symbols were like the ones in the notes Bai Changming always carried, they were the 12 schools of Magic System.

On the left were the symbols of Moon, Sun, Owl, Thunder, Swallow, and Star Dust which represented Bright Moon School, Radiance School, Divine Arts School, Heavenly Thunder School, Mystic Familiar School, and Cosmic Travellers School.

On the right were the symbols of a 5-leaf clover, a Hidden Blade, a Flask, a revolver with mana stones on it, a half rotten tree, and a sphere containing wind, water, fire, and earth. These symbols represented Treasure Hunters School, Assassins School, Alchemy School, Magi-Tech School, Necromancy Schoo, and Elemental School.

He knew about them and even made a list of choices for his choices. But instead of following his list his eyes got fixed on the throne in centre.

It was the largest thrown in the center of the whole hall after the rows of 12 schools ends. Unlike the 12 schools with stone thrones and banners symbolizing them this thrown was made of a single white coloured ancient material and had a blank black banner behind it which covered the whole wall instead of only covering a small part like others.

There was not a thing about this mentioned in the notes of Marduk and he would not have considered something strangle like this for his choice of school if he had not felt an insane longing from the depth of his soul for this throne as if he has found a long-lost part of his broken soul.

With his mana body he walked towards it. As he walked on the thrones of other schools vanished as he passed them showing that he will never have all these choices in his life, but he didn't care for it, and finally in the whole hall only the biggest white throne was left calling to him.

He touched it and felt an ancient gray aura on his blue mana body. This ancient aura removed his mana body, and he became normal Bai Changming just like usual. He liked this change as the blue mana body was not for his taste and felt instinctively that this unknown 13th school of Magic System is telling him to give up this mana body and form a body in his own image.

While he may not know about this school of magic he knows that this thing will help him a lot and sat decisively on it. The whole hall glowed with ancient aura. The banners of the schools whose thrones disappeared glowed with a golden light along with the ancient aura as if they were cheering for the return of their King with heavy emotions.

Bai Changming looked at this scene but didn't care to think much about it as he was focused on absorbed the gray aura as much as he could because he found that instead of using the remaining dead mana at the altar, he could instead use this aura to evolve his soul.

The throne and banners glowed with gray and golden until he absorbed the aura became a complete Magus Supreme with Immortal Mana Body and an Immortal Soul in his astral form and knows that the moment he returns he will become a Magus Supreme in real world too.

He sat it on the throne silently while closing his eyes and tried to absorb more of this aura. But soon he was disappointed as he could not absorb it anymore. It was not because the aura was exhausted as the huge white throne still glowed as if the aura it released was a mere drop in ocean, it was his body which has reached its limit. He knows that he will have to find out more about this throne room and gets a chance to come back here to get the remaining ancient aura for his own use as he can feel that this aura have more uses than just only tempering his soul.

He stood up and looked at the 12 banners who stopped glowing only a few moments ago and gave him an illusion that as if they were acting like loyal guards to the white throne in center and in turn to him.

He shook his head on his strange thoughts and decided to meet the person who made him see his whole life on Earth again.

He looked at the stone made ceiling "How much long are you going to watch? If you don't have anything to say return me to my world before telling me why you did all this?"

As he completed his sentence the space around him wrapped and he felt as if his astral body was once again teleported to the world like the memory world he was in before.

But unlike before he was in the middle of a small lush green garden with a little pond. It was a garden containing only a few flowers but each of them were the type of flowers he saw for the first time as not even the best books of flowers in Dao Universe have any description of them. Then from the pond a small fairy with colourful clothes came out.

She had short purple bob and a childish face filled with vigour and innate curiosity even after so many years. She flapped her wings made of every colour but not the gray and roamed around him creating a trail of pixie dust around him.

She went to his eyes level and asked something which she wondered for a long time since she met him "What are you? And why do you become a magician and gave up on your original talent?"

His lips twitched at this crazy question "What else could I be, I am just a human."

"No, no. Now you are not just a human but an Immortal of human race. One of the billions in this Vast Universe, and one of a few millions who followed my system to become the Magus Supreme, and only one in history who called out the original school in the throne room."

He looked at her frowning and from her words he could not get a little tense as this little fairy could be a being even more powerful than his imagination.

"Yes, that's right. I am an enormously powerful entity in the whole Vast Universe. It's good that you are quick to pick on the thing, so please tell me what really you are."

"If you can read my mind why nor know it myself."

"I do not need to read it for such a common thought."

"...As I said. I am a human. If not even a powerful person like you don't know 'what' I am how can I know?"

"Ahh. But I have exhausted all my theories. I first thought that since in the Dao Universe you are the first Magic Supreme to be born you would be child of destiny for my system. But you are not it. I looked at your memories and found that you are a reincarnated being and thought that you were the Heaven's Child of the whole of the Dao Universe. But I checked it with the Heavenly Will of your whole Universe and found that even she is unaware what you are. I know that you have a system but can't see any link to other wills in the existence to support the system of yours."

She paused and looked at his deep brown eyes with her clear eyes which seemed to look through everything in the existence.

"Above that, you have got such a huge destiny by disrupting the parasites while being only a mortal that I am even more interested in finding out what you are as mortals and immortals can't hadnle such a destiny."

He thought about her words and some of his own old theories, he felt like it is the best chance to ask about them without the System knowing what he is doing in this Astral Form.

"Do you know about parasites."

"Yes, I know more about it than you, but I will wait to tell you about it when you become a Cosmic Sorcerer."

"No, I am not asking about them. I am answering your initial question, or at least trying to answer it.

I believe that my existence is attracting them due to some destiny you were saying about."

"Really? Why do you think about it?"

"First of all, I want your assurance that you will not disclose to anyone what I am saying here and also tell me about the white throne in exchange."

She thought a bit and agreed to his request as they were reasonable enough.

"Well, its fine by me. I called you here because I am curious about you and if I can satisfy my curiosity I will not disclose your secrets."

He nodded and felt that she really will not disclose it after looking at her pure eyes without lies.

"In one of the rewards of the system I got a special power. The first time I used it I got a glimpse of Earth in multiple parallel universes. Some were like the Earth I was from and some were even worse than mine and faced a total destruction in 2012, while on many dinosaurs evolved with intelligent minds like humans and survived their extinction to fight for the supremacy of the planet. There were even more crazy things but the fact that I was not in any of them scared me enough back then"

"Wait, you are telling me that the system of yours gave you this kind of power? That's theoretically impossible! It is impossible without 'that' thing!"

"I don't know this and that Miss Fairy. But believe me that I am saying truth. Those visions made me wondered if the Parasites are linked to me, and I am destined to fight them.

Why Earth faced them when I was born there, why not faced them in millions of scenarios without me? Why was I called to Arcadia? Why was I faced with the missions from my system to get stronger as soon as I was reborn as Bai Changming?

I was not able find any other answer to this besides only one, that they are specifically targeting me and I will fight them eventually as if some invisible hand is guiding me to do it.

I don't expect you to explain me what these things are. But in exchange of going extra mile in telling you all this, can I ask you one more thing?"

She frowned at his sentence and fiddled with her cute dress and quietly nodded allowing him to ask one more thing from her even if she felt that he was asking too much now.

"Please at least tell me about their goal."

"This...this I can tell you, but I will not take any more questions about them.

These things aim to destroy the worlds where we live and will attack them regardless of whether you are living in them or not. Many civilizations have been swallowed by them since the ancient times. I don't know whether your visions are correct or not because even I don't have powers to see through the time but I can assure you that they will not target you unless you are the most hated person for them and the whole Magic System. And I can assure that in your past you were not him, I mean, you are relatively new born soul after all, it is impossible for you to be the soul of a man who died around 12 million years ago."

He felt her words slightly wrong as the pondered over them. Regardless of her assurance that he is not a person they are looking for it is a truth that his broken System is not an idiot and the latest missions are actually a foreboding that they will come for him quite soon. But he decided not to tell her all this.

"Hm, okay. It helps me a lot to know that they are not coming for me. Maybe they are only false visions because as you said it is impossible for the system or me to see it. Maybe System just manipulated me to fight them seriously for my own survival."

"Yes, that is the most logical truth depending on the facts you told me. Your system may not be your helper at all as it is just madness to make you fight them."

He nodded at her words and understood that not even Immortals may not know about these Parasites, Eternals and Gods are the only life forms who fight against them; he silently thanked her for this extra information and moved to answer he second question.

"About the other question, well, I gave up on Immortal Cutlivation to get powerful as soon as possible. I believe that you also saw my life in Arcadia, and knows that I got the powers of an Arch-Mage and learned under many wizards, so I knew pretty much everything about Magic System, it was the most logical and fast way for me to get stronger. But from your words I may have made a huge mistake under the influence of my system..."

"Hey! My Magic System is not so bad! You already had talent for it with your inborn Elemental Body, don't feel so bad, I am sure you will be amazed at the real power of a Magus Supreme soon.

Now it's my turn to answer your question. The white throne is the throne of the first school of magic. It existed before I became in charge here and even papa forbade me to ask question about it. It is as ancient as the magic system, but no one knows what it really is, of course that is besides my papa, he knows everything!"

"So, it is not the 13th school of magic?"

"Nope, you can say that it is the original school of magic. It did not appear for anyone but you for all this time. It shocked me so much that I had to answer your call and talk with you.

I only know that this school of magic is an ancient one with no records. I have been curious about it since I started my job. You know what, let's have a dead Drake Wilson."

"My name is Bai Changming my dear fairy."

"It's a same thing anyway. I will be your teacher and explain you anything you want when you reach new major realms. In exchange of it you will tell me things about this original school, of course I will even pay you with items if it is a useful information. Deal?"

"So, you are basically saying of becoming my mentor?"

She sulked at his words and bowed her head sadly "Sorry, but I cannot do it. If you had taken one of the 12 schools, I could have taken you as my student.

But well, we can be friend who shares thing can't we."

"I guess we can."

"Hehehe, to our happy friendship.

Happy at getting a new friend after so many years she flew around him gleefully making him shake his head while smiling as he felt that her happiness is quite contagious.

"My little fairy, when can I leave. I can talk for days with you with my complete body but not with this astral body, I need to go back soon."

She stopped flying and felt a little sad that he is only in his astral form here but knew that she will meet him later anyway, so she soothed herself.

She nodded and a portal appeared for him to go back to his world.

As he was going towards it, she held out a jar from nowhere and handed it over to him.

Looking at the transparent jar filled with colourful pixie dust he was full of questions why she is giving it to him.

"Don't look like to me this now my dear friend. This is just a present for our new friendship!"

He paused and walked towards her "Fair enough, I will accept it. But not without giving you a gift too."

She looked at him with her wide cute eyes and felt better about her decision to make him her friend as he is not like fools who just knows how to take things from her.

"I will tell you something about the original school as my form of gift."


"Yes. The Magicians of this school have the ability to form their own Mana Bodies based on the laws they know."

She was shocked for the longest time in a million years and was not able to stop him to tell her more about this. As the portal vanished, she sighed and decided to ask more about this next time instead of calling him again as she felt a little tired while thinking of the lost school of magic which now appears to be more bizarre than she though.

Every Magus Supreme gets their Mana Body based on their affinity with mana. Some gets fire-based mana body or some like Bai Changming gets an elemental mana body which is the supreme mana body for all magicians, she has never heard of anyone changing their mana body based on laws they understand since no one at immortal level even knows about them. She understood how difficult it is to make carve mana body on the basis of laws, which are the origin of everything existing in the Vast Universe. And thinking about the lost school of magic capable of making such a mana body made her realize that today the biggest pandora box ever in the vast universe was opened by her new friend.

She then closed her eyes and muttered with a tired helpless small voice "Papa. Where are you? I fear that we will need your help sooner than you thought."