The New Dawn

It has been 7 days since Bai Changming started the ascension ceremony.

The archaic huge white altar which remained untainted even for more than billion years has been dyed with blue and black with burst of Blue Elemental Mana and Black Dead Mana.

A huge vortex of mana was rotating faster than any cyclone produced by the Nature and in the middle of it were Bai Changming and Selena.

While Selena was not even bothered by this catastrophic force and was spotless as her domain kept her safe from them Bai Changming faced the pure force of this vortex as it was absolutely necessary for his ascension.

She kept her whole attention at Bai Changming while keeping the tablet in her hand to stop the man in center, the Young Master of Bai Clan who was covered with countless wounds covering his whole bloodied body with bloodied wounds instead of clothes.

His clothes were completely ripped apart leaving only a small patch of bottom enough to save him from embarrassment. A huge scar adorned his spotless chest, and his pale stunning skin has become so hideous that not even the people being saved from the stomachs of Abyss Monsters looked so grotesque.

Selena, throughout all this, was just trying to stop herself from pushing the button and stopping it. She knows that he has reached a critical stage and will wait some more to see before saving him.

Then a moment later her tired and concerned eyes sparkled with excitement.

The vortex stopped to a standstill all of a sudden and turned into a gentle breeze.

After nearly 7 days he closed his eyes he woke up as an ancient gray aura accompanied with a gray mana released around him instead of the previous blue mana. Selena watched it with confusion as unlike the mana she felt from the Class 5 Mana stone and the Elemental Mana this gray mana was not soothing or exciting. It was not gloomy and dreadful like dead mana. It was a chaotic mana which seems to change the aura around it every second. In one second it was soothing like blue mana, on other it was even more obnoxious than the dead mana, and on other occasion it did not feel like Mana at all. In her entire life of more than 500 Years she has not seen such a chaotic energy.

Not knowing about the strangeness Selena was feeling Bai Changming stood up and called back the mana to look at his new origin mana. He held a small ball made by gray mana and felt a major characteristic of the Lost School of Magic which only he knows in the current Universe.

As he stood up and started to walk Selena came to support him. He wanted to tell her that he is fine but was not able to as his whole mouth felt sticky and dry due his own body fluids. Looking at him gagging Selena gave him a water bottle to drink. He nodded and distanced a little bit from her and poured half of the bottle over his face and hair and gargled his parched throat before finishing off the rest of the bottle leaving a small puddle made of blood and water on floor as water was helping removing the blood dried on his face and hair.

"Cough. Damn, I hate this taste."

"I am glad that you are okay Changming. Does all of your seclusion are so bloody."

"No, it is first time for me too. But, it's not over."

He waved her and tried to stand by himself but felt his whole-body sore from the onslaught of mana. Ignoring the soaring pain overloading his entire nervous system he drank some elixirs from his storage while grunting from the pain of even moving his arm to drink them.

After 5 minutes of drinking more than 20 Immortal Grade Elixirs he collected just for an emergency he felt his body condition improving and felt the incomplete Immortal Body, Immortal Soul, and Mana Body. He crouched down to feel the remaining dead mana in the source and checking the Array, but his action looked differently in her eyes.

She anxiously looked at him and hurriedly used her divine sense and saw the worst possible outcome of an Immortal Ascension: broken Immortal Body and Soul. She was especially sad that even after all his efforts he failed and will now be doomed to be a False Immortal as no one can overcome the fate of having an incomplete Immortal Realm.

She at the bloodied younger brother in pity and crouched down to hug him while patting on his back to console his sad heart

"It's ok. It's ok Changming. You did your best. Actually, being a False Immortal is not bad too as you can live for 5 million Years and it's not a small period of time too. Moreover, I am sure that your grandpa will find a way to solve your condition. You need to rest now, don't think about useless stuff, let's go back to Bai Clan and rest for a while, leave Dragon City to Bai Xiang for a while and focus only on your mental and physical health."

Bai Changming paused his action and was really confused why she was thinking that he is sad.

"It will be fine. It will be fine. Everything will be fine."

Shaking his head, he stood up with a magic circle in his deep brown eyes and looked at the sky beyond the ceiling with his ocular magic spell made to see through all type of objects.

"Sister, we still have some time left. Stop the array from your console, we do not need to waste more mana now and get ready to leave."

She nodded and stood up while wiping her tears but felt something wrong about his current condition as he was not disappointed at all after having a ruined future in cultivation.

Bai Changming crouched and started making a circle to draw a teleportation magic circle while answering her possible doubts before she asks.

"Sis, don't be sad. It's all a part of plan. As per Ancestor I was supposed to have an incomplete Immortal Body and Soul at this stage. Didn't I say that a lightning tribulation will come? Since it didn't come the ascension ceremony has not ended yet."

"Lightning tribulation? Were you not joking that time?"

"Sis I would not date to joke with you. To become a Magus Supreme I really need Lightning Tribulations to complete the Immortal Body and Soul."

"Oh yeah, then what about when you gave me a peanut flavoured pudding when I asked for the chocolate one."

"Come on now, as I said before how could I know it was a peanut flavoured when they had same packages. And it was not too bad, wasn't it? I even heard that it is quite a hit now."

"Bah! It was tasteless!"

"Cough. Well, that was not a joke but an oversight. This is different."

"Then what about that tim-"

"Sis, just listen to me for now, please. A Magus Supreme needs to face 81 strikes of lightnings just like Immortal Tribulation. These 81 will come in three sets, and as we are speaking the first set of 27 lightnings is coming for me, I don't need to joke about this just look at the sky."

She paused and looked at small black clouds gathering in the bright blue sky of Dragon City. She frowned at the obvious clouds of tribulations and knew that he was not wrong.

"How is this possible!? Since when Immortal Ascension needs a heavenly tribulation!?"

"Don't ask me, I only know what Ancestor tells me."

Looking at him shrugging his shoulders as if he was saying something obvious while drawing the spell with his mana she thought that Ancestor must have predicted it and eased herself a little bit.

"...You have a plan for this? Everyone will know something is wrong here, in fact I guess people more powerful than me will be coming soon,"

"Well, it will be a pain to deal with. That's why we will just 'escape' from here, I will cast a teleportation spell and we will go to a random forest I marked. There you need to protect me and cast any camouflage array you have to hide what's going on."

"...I don't know what will happen if you do this. I really have not seen anyone moving during the ascension forget about thinking about this while facing Tribulations. It will be a better choice to just stay here and face it. I still have some unused treasures I collected for my own tribulations, you can use them as you like, and for the people coming here I will talk with Bai Xiang and make him impose the curfew here."

"That will not be needed. We don't need to make the old man do something for which he will become grumpy for a while, I still need him to carry Dragon City for a long time."

"Hahaha, look at you. Didn't you yourself took his seat as the Governor. Why do you need him now? Don't you have Alicia and Long Shen to help you? Let that man retire just peacefully."

"...I didn't stop him you know. It's not my fault if he want to help a pitiful waste young master who wants to prove his worth to Bai Clan by being the best Governor of Dragon City, the city of tomorrow."

"...Why do I know only now that our Young Master is quite a shameless man?"

"There is a first for everything sis. Be glad you know it now. Anyways, spell is done. Let's go."

As Bai Changming completed his signature Level 7 Spell based on space laws he stood up. He brought a mana potion and drank it to be at his top condition as he doubts Heaven will wait more than this before pouring down tribulations at him.

A gray mana came from his mana heart and the spell trembled a bit before a small black portal appeared before them. But unlike the regular portal this portal was so small that only his arm could get through. He tried to move more of his mana and even changed the nature of his mana to form his previous blue elemental mana thinking that it will make the spell work.

She looked at him trying to activate the spell anxiously and knew something was wrong. She tried to use her qi thinking that it may help before seeing the whole spell broken into bits as the whole altar shook with a huge deafening roar as a thunder from the sky tore through the ground making a huge hole on top of them as boulders shattered the floor of ancient altar into pieces.

Bai Changming looked at all this with a open mouth and a trembling heart as he finally understood what is really happening. Selena didn't have luxury to look at him being lost due to the sudden shock as she used her Immortal Qi and saved them from the falling boulders.

While looking at the whole alter being reduced to a small 400 meter wide circle she knew that things have gone to a bad direction. She picked him up and flew from the hole, landing them on the ground before releasing him.

Bai Changming squinted his eyes by instincts after seeing four suns of Dao Realm after a long time. They were standing on an even gray land made infertile by dead mana for ages till now. They didn't have time to look at the beautiful scene of four suns illuminating the gray land as soon the never ending dark clouds filled with wild white thunderbolts gathered over them.

Looking at himself standing with Selena with the blanket of thunder clouds aiming for him Bai Changming knew that he will have to use the plan he disliked the most.

Selena shook her head with a helpless sigh after looking at bloodied almost naked Young Master of Bai Clan making a hopeless face.

"Sis, did you know that Heavens lock the space laws in Immortal Tribulations?"

"...Forget about knowing this I am not even at the Immortal King realm so how could I know about the space laws."

"...Well, I am also not an Immortal King you know?"

"Humph. Yeah, yeah. You are the almighty Magus Supreme who knows everything in the world! You are surely not an almost naked dirty magician who can not even execute his own spell!"

Looking at her outburst he loosened his serious expressions and laughed at seeing her as she really looked like a pouting squirrel just now.

"What's funny here!?"

"You know I wondered many times if I even needed your help, but I am glad you are here now."

"Really, what the heck you are saying now?"

"...My spell was not wrong. Actually, the space laws have been sealed now. Not even an Immortal King can escape this situation. I guess, now we both knows why we never heard of someone moving while being in a tribulation."

She nodded as she felt that the theory does not seems to be wrong.

"...What's your plan now?"

"Nothing special, we will go with what you said before. I will face the tribulation and you will work with Bai Xiang to impose a total lockdown throughout the Dragon City."

"Do we really need a total lockdown?"

He didn't say anything and looked at the sky while releasing all the mana he has increasing his momentum. He kept on increasing his momentum so much that even Selena felt a little suffocation much to her surprise as she never saw such momentum from any newborn Immortal let alone a false immortal proving to her that he said truth and that it is she who lacks information about this magic system.

As if responding him the dark thunder clouds went wild and released 27 white thunder bolts. It was like a wild beast flashing its teeth to assert its dominance before killing its prey.

Looking at it he nodded and tossed a white jade emblem to Selena who distanced her from him so to not disturb him during the tribulation.

She grabbed it and identified quickly that he has even handed her the seal of the Governor to impose a lockdown.

She placed it in her storage ring before looking at him with much concern "Are you really sure? I will not be here to help if you make me do this."

He nodded and none of them said anything and moved to do their tasks,

He looked at her flying away and did a basic stretching relaxing his body while jumping on his toes to ready himself.

"Now, let's see what is dangerous about the so called Heavenly Tribulation."

As he said it 26 bolts moved back leaving only one aiming at his location. He smiled and increased his aura to maximum making a huge vortex of ancient aura and gray mana around him. It was much smaller than the mass of thunder cloud covering the huge Dragon City but it appeared no weaker than the clouds.

If thunder clouds were the holy weapons of Heavenly Will to test and punish people the gray ancient vortex was like a dark hole which could take swallow thrown towards it.

Looking at this even thunder clouds trembled and didn't bother to release the thunder bolts one by one and released all the 27 bolts which combined to make a huge white thunder bolt ready to send Bai Changming into oblivion for his gall to challenge the Heavens.

Bai Changming smiled widely at this as his eyes deep brown turned light blue filled with white sparks of life. His long-bloodied hair flashed with a jet-black aura which made each and every strand of his wave separately gracefully with a dark deadly aura covering them. Finally, a blue rotating wheel appeared behind him as he fully released the Mana Body he developed in the Throne Room.

He knew that it was incomplete in it's current state but he wanted to see how much powerful his new trump card is and felt that it was the best opportunity to do so.

Then all of a sudden with a deafening roar the thunder clouds trembled and attacked him the the biggest white tribulation bolt ever made in the history of Dao Universe releasing a ears rupturing noise which illuminates the whole gray land with a light so powerful that everyone in the Dragon City stopped and looked at the light which was brighter than even the four suns on top of them.

They didn't know what was going on, but all of them had a strong feeling from the depth of their soul that it was not a simple random white light but was the beginning of a new dawn for the Dao Realm. A New Dawn which will even shake the entire Universe.