Meeting with the Administrator

Bai Changming buried his complex emotions and decided to let time teach Gildor things he can't as he can't guide him for his whole life. Looking at the man's departure with an already complex history, he silently promised himself not to overcomplicate things and let him do the things he wants as long as he can not create a mess even he can't handle.

"System, I am ready. Start the administrator call."

[....Initiating user requests. Deducting System Points.

Request Authorized.

The Administrator will be joining the call soon.]

"By the way, how much points are left. Since your Shop was sealed I forgot to even look for the points."

[Shop is currently in maintenance.]

"...I am only asking about the points balance I have."

[Shop is currently in maintenance.]


Bai Changming sighed as he shook his head and blamed himself for expecting some decent answer. As he was bemoaning his fate to get attached to a bugged system like this, the system screen flashed with a white light covering the whole place.

After adjusting his eyes, he looked around to find that this time he got teleported to a different location. Last time he got teleported into a simple living room one can find everywhere, but this time he can only see endless white with no end to the place. He tried using his new Divine Sense to understand his current situation properly.

"I would not suggest that. A paltry Divine Sense can never move more than a inch here."

He turned around to look at the Source of the voice of an adult, which sounded neither male nor female and found a blue orb almost touching nose and moved back.

But as he moved back, the blue orb didn't stop what it was doing and closely inspected his body before distancing itself as if it was satisfied to see that he was alright.

"...Are you the administrator?"


"But last time some one else came."

"Your System is the most powerful of its kind in the Universe. It should be common sense that we would need more than one Admin to run it."

"Heh, really?"

"...I can understand your complaints. Bu-"

"System completely broke as soon as I entered Dao Realm. Forget about the closing of Shop and Mission Zone; I was forced to go through insane missions.

You guys promised me that my new life would be fun, but until now, I cannot find any fun other Administrator mentioned. I am an outcast because your program forced me to become a Magician. Heck, I am even in an exile from my clan because of the insane missions System forced on me with those malicious punishments.

Even if they are just excuses, I have the right to know what the hell is going on. As of right now, I am just hopeless. I may have become an Immortal in the magic system, but I can't even progress; forget about defeating those parasites I can not even save myself. Here I have million-year-old freaks who can blast me off with a simple snort. How can I even live with peace as the son of such a big clan with no power to defend myself!? I get that Magic System is OP, but I have exhausted every possible mana source to reach this level and can't progress even an inch now!"

Blue orb paused and moved up and down as if it was nodding.

"Yes. All that happened, we got to know all this via logs today. But you are not the only victim here. Actually, you played a big part in starting all this."

"...What the heck you are saying now?"

"What is the system's mission?"

"What mission? You even have a mission?"

"Remember the first line which greeted you when system booted for the first time."

Bai Changming paused and frowned deeply as he can't remember it no matter how hard he could remember.

Looking at him blue orb waved slowly as if it was sighing deeply.

"Don't forget such important things. Let me remind you, System at that time said that goal of the System was to provide assistance to the User and help defeat the enemies of Earth. Do you remember now."


"But how do you feel yourself. Is this really our mission. I mean we are not even on Earth for decades but System has not left you. You didn't pause a bit and thought about it?"

"It's not like I didn't think about it. Was not the System designed to designed to defeat Parasites, it was so obvious that I didn't even think about anything else."

"What Parasites?"

"...Really, what are you saying now?"

"Sigh. We introduced that term on Earth and Arcadia just to help you understand a very complex concept. System was never designed to fight anything. It was and always has been working to provide you maximum assistance. To allow you live the life how you want."

Bai Changming looked blankly at the blue ball and scoffed at the person responsible for making him fight and live a destined life talking about the freedom that he felt never existed for himself.

"I am not a hypocrite."

"...Why I am not surprised that you can read my mind. Anyways, if you really meant so then why forced missions to fight like a hero until now?"

"I hope that you have at least heard something about Heavenly Will,"

"Don't you know yourself that I faced a Heavenly Tribulation just yesterday? Is this your way to avoid the questions you can't answer without showing your hypocrisy?"

"No. Heavenly Tribulation is an automatic process. It's not Heavenly Will per se. For now, understand that all the realms at present have a consciousness that monitors the Systems and ensures their stability while encouraging the domain to improve itself. These individual spirits are very selfish, they don't care for anything besides a few that it loves, and it also hates a few, specifically a special kind of people, people with Systems.

Heavenly Wills hate System Users because they are external interventions and can disturb their whole plan. System activated to save you during that time. Heaven never cared for you, for it, you were meant to be one more dead human, a sentient life form, a one in a trillion. It didn't care if you were heir to a big corporation at Mars. But System did.

By saving you we both got under the radar if you were strong enough back then we would not have come to help you in this life. But, it was not your fault too. Since those bastards were there it was only a matter of time we came down to help you."

"So, I was really meant to die back then...Were the missions I faced all along were due to me avoiding my original fate."

"It's half correct. To make sure that you could live properly we entered in an agreement. Heavenly Will of Earth didn't want outsiders to wipe out the species it nartured, we made a deal to allow you live in exchange of the missions it gave us, of course we got it to add real rewards with them when you completed a few of them."

"What would have happened if I failed at them?"

"Nothing much. Heavenly Will would have changed its plan to also exterminate you while counting you as an outsider, and System would have created missions to kill the Heavenly Will as it would have become an element which could endanger you."

"In more simpler words, you are saying that difficulty of missions in Earth would have increased as I would have been forced to fight two opponents at the same time. But what about Arcadia?"

"In Arcadia Heavenly Will accepted your existence and asked for help. We created quest lines which aimed at making you powerful enough to defeat the Demon Lord there in 5 years but you wasted all of our planning. I still can't believe that you activated Limit Break right away and used every reward given by Earth to kill Demon Lord within 30 days, what were you even thinking back then? Even if you escaped certain death back then you would not have more than 2 years to live considering your depleted life span from the continuous use of Limit Break."

"...If I waited even one more month the number of people dying would have gone more than twice. Don't you remember that?"

"No, we remember that. But we don't care about that, we never cared. System was created to help you, to save only you."

"...How can you be so heartless? Aren't all the lives equal?"

Blue Orb paused and looked at the piercing gaze it was receiving. Usually, it would have felt explaining more, but it stopped because behind the gaze, it can see his mind trembling as it realized some of its mistakes in the past.

"...It's great to have a heroic heart. It can be said that your heroic spirit is inherent. But for so many lives I persoanlly looked over you I felt that your heroic spirit is at best flawed."


"Since you already got in contact with the Source, you will eventually know yourself what I am about to say now; it's not that much of a big deal now. Yes. The System has helped you in multiple lives you lived. The System never found you; it was always beside you waiting to come out and help you if you were facing some extreme situation like someone coming to assassinate when you were a child, your family betraying you and forcing you to become meat-shield, and many more, with some worse than the ones I mentioned.

Whenever you faced deadly threats which went beyond your capability, System came to help you out."

"...You mentioned fate. Is this some kind of fate of mine to die like a bitch in every life? And why I am the one getting all this help from System? I am now old enough to understand one thing, nothing comes free. Please tell me what you really want from me now."

"Its true that nothing comes free. Everything has cause and effect. System is helping you because of your past life actions. You can say that every Administrator owes you big. Some even caused you facing this fate indirectly, they didn't want this to happen, they wanted to pay you back but they failed...We can talk about that next time if you want."

Looking at the blue orb with a tired expression, he sighed and nodded,

"In your past life you played an important role in establishing the current order of the world. You sacrificed yourself for the Universe. But you created deep karma with almost every living being. It was like as if everyone owed you a huge amount of their life to you."

"...I would have never made anyone owe to me."

"Technically, it was not you who made it that way. Anyways, the result was that many Gods got their divinity restricted due to this debt as they bore the most brunt of that debt to you. Gods who tried to shame you or use your myth for themselves got sent into hell as the first prisoners. Gods who sang your praise got some relaxation, but everyone hated that feeling of being restricted.

Among them, some idiots started to find you and get you rid of that debt yourself, but none of them was able to find it until a few of them found millions of pieces of your soul and tried to revive you."

Bai Changming gulped his saliva hard as he felt an intensely uncomfortable feeling rising from deep inside his soul as he heard the last sentence.

He wanted to reject all this as just a joke initially, but the dampness he felt deep within his now Immortal Soul was stopping him from speaking anything and forcing him to listen to it.

"Your soul which broke into at least a few billion pieces could not have been reborn entirely with a few millions of them, but they went on with it. They all thought that the remaining pieces would come to find this somewhat big fragment on their own.

But they were wrong. Your soul was reborn incomplete; none of the remaining fragments came to unite with the new broken soul. Heavenly Will of the whole Universe saw this as an unpardonable offence. But before it could strike, someone you already know in this life came and killed the Gods who tried this. The ones among the Administrators made a deal with Heavenly Will and got saved at the last moment, or else like others, they would have also been faced with total destruction of their godhood.

During this large fight, one of those idiots sent your soul into reincarnation, of course soon his whole family was sent into reincarnation by the destroyer. A few who wanted to provide the middle ground created this System with the help of Heavenly Will of Universe, and we eventually found you."

"Who is this person I know of?"

Blue Orb paused a bit and moved to look at a corner of the white hall before nodding.

"She will tell you herself. I will now proceed to tell you our current plans now and then she will come to explain you the things further."

"...She huh? Wait, that person is here, isn't she? Since when? And who is she?"

"She is not technically here. Anyways, System was created with the help of the Heavenly Will of the Universe which you can also call the Origin Will from now. We can't contact it for the last ten thousand years, and due to this, we were forced to form contracts with lower-level Heaven Wills, before that System was free to help you in every possible way.

During that time, the Heavenly Will of this realm got significant help from you, and we decided to redeem that debt to provide you with your desired way of life here.

As per our original plans, you would have lived like a rich protagonist in a cultivation novel. You would have gotten everything as the Son of the Heaven here with minimal support of the System. You would have lived a long life as a mortal with a big family while everyone liked you as you initially wished."

"But that didn't happen."

"Exactly. Someone removed our connection with System from the moment you came to this world. That entity introduced those crazy missions on you. In fact, the reason I said that you are also in fault was because of the fact that you didn't try to go against those crazy missions and pushed yourself like an idiot."


"Your hero complex went into overdrive. I can bet that you didn't even pause a second to actually think how the heck 9 Purple Lightning Tribulations could appear in this small realm. This realm can not even create more than one of them in million years, how can it even create 9 of them to punish you."

"...Well, I was in the body of a child back then, I may have made some bad decisions in the influence of that."


Bai Changming chuckled weakly as he smiled in an attempt to hide his embarrassment from someone who could read his mind.

Blue Orb chose to ignore this weak attempt not to hide his embarrassment but to not draw ire to the reaper looking at it silently.

"All of the mission were not made by us or the System we created. The rewards too were not planned by us. Yes, we stored them into backup System treasury but they are just a few among the many of them. And every reward you got were given with the goal to make you move forward into Magic System, they were not random."

"Someone planned all this? And why are you telling me now, why not told me all this before I tried to do these missions?"

"Yes. But we don't know who or what. For your second question, we were not able to connect to the System or you since you came to this world, and when you became a complete Immortal, your presence was easier to find, so we brute-forced our way back to the System and did a reset while you were sleeping."

"...Do you need more time to find the person responsible for all this?"

"Time? We got plenty of time to figure it out but we can not find it. Now we can only go for damage control and also deal with this bizzare situation of you being able to become Immortal."

"I can't become an Immortal?"

"Soul evolution is an important step for every ascension. Many fools theorized what would happen when an incomplete soul tries to do it but not a single soul they broke for their experiment was even able to think survive, but you are different. Your level of soul is not something we can compare with nowadays, even a part of it can pass as a complete soul.

But even then, since it was incomplete, you could never reach this level in millions of your lives. Your lack of power became one of the reasons Origin Will decided to form a System around you with our help. We lost your contact for the first time in all these years and here we are seeing you with a completely evolved soul.

Now, do you understand why we ignored you yesterday? For us, 25 years is only a small number but in those years you somehow got a way to evolve into immortal."

"...My soul is complete now or what?"

"It's incomplete. But it's also complete. It's quite difficult to understand even for us. Before that tell me about the Origin school of magic you found in ascension."

"That indeed helped me in evolving the soul. Do you think that its the main reason?...But I strongly believe that I would have become Immortal without that too I had enough mana with me."

"Mana? Soul is not nourished by mana at all."

"The notes sa-"

"Notes you read were incomplete. I have sent the complete ones to your inventory. The passage you are reffering is about an experiment he himself clarified that to me before coming here."

"...God of Magic Marduk mentioned in the notes is one of the Administrator?"

"Yes. The entity that planned all this edited it so that you could not find the warnings on that page. So you can be sure that mana can't be used to empower the soul.

Anyways, you would have stuck at that process and become a False Immortal with Immortal Body, just like thousand of times you tried before this. So, tell me what happened at the ascension ceremony."

"Can't you read my mind and know it yourself."

"I can but I don't want my recent avatar to be destroyed so soon. Since she already warned me I can only ask you politely."

Bai Changming paused and looked around to find the person even the Administrator in front of him was afraid to find nothing but an endless white hall.

"Well, there was a throne above all the schools. It was archaic and had a different aura to it. I felt an attraction to it and as soon as I sat on I felt as I was having a full body massage. That's all."

"Hm, anything else? I know well about this throne. It is still not so out of ordinary. Wait, what was the colour of the aura. Was it golden?"

"No. That was grey."

"Grey? You sure about this?"

"I can show you; after the ascension, I can somewhat control it."

A grey aura cowered his body, releasing a pressure on the whole room. It was not enough to fill the room itself as it stuck closely to him as his clothes and skin glowed dimly with the aura.

Blue Orb looked at it dumbly for a long while for even Bai Changming to know that it was really dumbfounded this time, he also felt some disturbance at the corner the blue orb looked into before to find nothing but white space.

"Admin, everything all right?"

"I..I never thought that something like this could happen, We have to change the plans again...Also did you use this power outside?"

"I did. I was facing a tribulation, it was quite difficult without it."

"Yes, this can reinforce your body to an insane degree."

"You know about it, don't you?"

"...Our plans need a revision now. I got everything I wanted from this meeting, as an apology for the System's fault for these 25 years, I would add some features and some freebies in the store. I look forward to them.

Try not to use this power as much as possible. Now, let's meet again sometime later when you get some more points. Bye for now."

"Wait. At least tell me the name of this power. I can't keep calling it this aura or that aura."

"...You first tell me first, what name you chose."

"Well, I first thought that Super Armor could be a good name but it would not be befitting the ancientness this is emitting. So I though Ancient Armor, then Void Armor, and then finally decided on the Chaos Armor. If it is called something else I would change it."

"...Chaos Armor, huh. No, it's okay; use the name you just said. Goodbye for now. I will contact you again via System, and one more thing, do you still want to live a peaceful life?"


"It will be quite difficult now. You can even say that everything you faced till this moment was a simple tutorial."

"...Will it be that difficult?"


"Even then, yes."

Blue Orb nodded and vanished from the spot, moving through dimensions as fast as possible to create new plans with other admins and start the personal plans it made for a situation like this.

Feeling the flow of the ancient but calming aura soothing him, he thought that with this power, he could at least try for the last time to achieve his ultimate goal of living the peaceful life he always craved for.

As soon as he got teleported back, the white room vanished into the nothingness of the void just like it originally was.