Love Conquers All

Kitty, a roadside thief, was waiting for another victim on a road south of Bielefeld, the newly founded domain of adventurer Eligor, Lobania.

Since the founding of Lobania, Kitty has been committing her crimes on that road, always following the same patterns. However, what she did not expect was that her fate would completely change that day.

Andie was a novice adventurer and a recent graduate from the mechanics academy in Arton. She was on her first mission with a group of newcomers composed of a human rogue named Kallya, a human inventor named Cid, and a half-demon ambidextrous warrior of justice named Ilíria when she spotted Kitty waving at them from afar with a bright and harmless smile on her face.

Andie and her group didn't know they were about to encounter an experienced thief like Kitty, but they decided to stop and talk to her.

As they approached, Kitty began talking to them in a friendly and inviting tone, as if she was just looking for a good conversation.

Andie and her group didn't suspect anything and fell into Kitty's conversation, which distracted them with stories and jokes. Meanwhile, her nimble hand moved stealthily to grab some valuable items that were in the group.

However, before Kitty could escape with the items, Illyria noticed the suspicious movement of the thief and quickly confronted her. Kitty tried to resist but couldn't overcome the half-demon warrior's skill, who easily captured her.

Andie and her group were shocked to discover they had been deceived by Kitty, but Illyria turned her over to the local authorities to be tried for her crimes.

From that day on, Andie and her group learned a valuable lesson about trusting strangers and became more cautious in their future adventures. Meanwhile, Kitty regretted her actions and promised to change her life for the better, while waiting for her trial or so it should be.

Two weeks passed and Kitty soon changed her mind about being judged. She could no longer stand being imprisoned and began to think of a way to escape from that place.

One night, during a guard change, Kitty squeezed through the bars to try to reach the keys that were hanging on a hook on the wall in front of her cell just a meter and a half away. The bars were narrow, but Kitty was agile and determined to get what she wanted. She skillfully twisted and turned, slipping through the bars and finally reaching the keys. With the keys in hand, she unlocked the cell door and slipped out quietly, trying not to make any noise.

However, one of the guards noticed the movement and sounded the alarm, alerting the other guards to the thief's escape. Kitty ran as fast as she could, using her skills to dodge the guards and hide in the shadows.

She knew she had to escape as quickly as possible, as she knew that the authorities were after her. Kitty managed to flee the scene, but now she was on the run, trying to find a safe place to hide.

Meanwhile, Andie and her group were on a mission in a nearby city and learned about Kitty's escape. They decided to assist the local authorities in capturing the thief, as they knew she was dangerous and could harm other people.

However, as mentioned earlier, the fate was different. While trying to escape, Kitty stumbled and fell from a considerable height, sustaining serious injuries. Andie and her group found the thief lying on the ground, and immediately, Andie used her invention skills to build a device to immobilize Kitty's fracture.

While taking care of Kitty, Andie discovered that the thief was more than she appeared to be. She was intelligent and cunning, with an incredible sense of humor and a kind heart. Andie was intrigued and gradually began to feel something special for Kitty.

Over time, Andie and Kitty grew closer and closer. Andie took care of the thief daily, talking to her and helping her recover. Meanwhile, Kitty was enchanted by Andie's caring and attentive manner, and began to fall in love with her.

When Kitty finally recovered, Andie and she had a moment of intimacy in which they confessed their feelings to each other. Andie didn't expect to fall in love with a thief, but Kitty's personality and charisma completely won her over.

Over time, Andie and Kitty became a couple, working together on missions and invention projects. Andie introduced Kitty to her friends, and everyone was surprised to learn that she was a thief who had caused trouble in the past.

Andie and her friends decided to help Kitty start a new life, this time using her skills for good. Kitty became a skilled inventor, using her cunning and ability to create useful devices to help people instead of stealing from them.

In the end, Andie and Kitty realized that love doesn't discriminate based on social status or past, and that what they felt for each other was the most important thing. And so, Andie and Kitty lived happily together, building a brighter future and leaving behind the shadows of Kitty's past.