Adventurous in Love

Illyria and Kallya were at a tavern with their teammates, three other adventurers, when Cid, the group's inventor, asked with a teasing smile, "What's the matter between you two?"

Surprised by the question, Kallya, the group's assassin, quickly replied, "W-we're just friends."

Then, Illyria, the swordswoman, looked at Kallya and replied with a naughty and seductive smile on her face, "A friend wouldn't know how you taste..."

This made Kallya choke on her own saliva and blush as everyone at the table had a dumbfounded look on their faces.

The truth was that, secretly, Illyria and Kallya were deeply involved. Even during missions, when they were alone, a spark was all it took for them to ignite in each other's arms, but that wasn't something Kallya wanted others to know.

"W-what are you...?" Kallya started to question, and when the group started to tease her, she started to deny, "N-no, it's not like that... Y-you d-don't get it!"

The group continued the friendly teasing some more, making Kallya cringe in embarrassment, but only until a new subject started and everyone started laughing at something.

Later, Ilíria and Kallya were alone in the hotel room they were staying, Kallya complained, or rather, tried to complain about the whole situation in the tavern while Ilíria licked and sucked her neck, making the assassin sigh in brief moans.

As Illyria continued to explore Kallya's body with her lips and tongue, she whispered in her ear, "Don't worry about what they think, my love. We know what we have with each other and that's what matters."

Kallya relaxed in his arms, allowing the pleasure to completely envelop her. She knew Illyria was right, but still, the idea of ​​her teammates knowing about her relationship made her feel vulnerable.

But with Illyria hugging her so tenderly, Kallya couldn't care less what others thought. All that mattered was the love they shared and the happiness they felt when they were together.

While Illyria's hands explored Kallya's body, the assassin gave herself completely to the passion and desire she felt for the swordswoman. She knew what they had was special and that she would never let anything or anyone get in the way of their relationship.

That night, Kallya once again went wild in Ilíria's arms, which brought complaints from the other guests who couldn't sleep with the moans of uncontrolled pleasure that the two screamed.

The next day, the two woke up together, happy and content in their own worlds. They exchanged a knowing look and kisses followed by an understanding smile before getting dressed and heading out to join their teammates even though they wanted to stay in bed where they could continue loving and pleasuring each other.

Seeing the two approach, Cid smirked "Hehehe! You two seem to glow. Was the night that good?"

Kallya flushed and shrugged, but then Illyria took her hand. The swordswoman stepped in front of Kallya and pulled her into a kiss in front of everyone. "You can't even imagine what we did all night..."

"Illyria!" Kalya complained.

Illyria looked at her beloved and with her hands on her waist, looked into Kallya's eyes. The assassin could see Illyria's confidence and strength and that this was the time to stop hiding, well, not that doing things in secret wasn't more enjoyable, but it was stressful.

Ilíria noticed the expression on Kallya's face and gave a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, my love. We don't need to hide who we are or what we feel. They are our friends and deserve to know the truth."

Kallya felt a little insecure, but she trusted Illyria, so she took a deep breath and stepped forward, holding the swordswoman's hand firmly.

"Yes, it's true. Illyria and I are together and we're a couple." Kallya said, in a firm voice, but still a little embarrassed.

The other members of the group looked at them in surprise, but soon expressed their support and happiness for the couple.

"This is amazing! You two are so cute together." Said the cleric, smiling.

"Finally!" Said the ranger, patting Kallya on the back. "I already knew there was something more between you two."

Cid smiled at the two, "You are so beautiful together. I can't wait to see you in action on your next mission."

Illyria and Kallya smiled at their companions and they gathered in the tavern to talk about their new quest to explore a centuries-old temple.

Anyway, Illyria and Kallya, even though they opened up to their friends, they had developed a certain taste for hiding.

In lulls during exploration, Illyria would pull Kallya into a ward they had already explored, undress Kallya, and make her sigh with kisses, hickeys, and licks.

Together, they lived great and exciting adventures as adventurers and lovers, like the battle against a great serpent or the threesome with Cid.

Well, that was just an experiment and they only invited the girl because she seemed really curious about their relationship.

However, living the life of adventurers, they didn't just live on happiness and victories. They experienced great defeats and sadness like when Harry, the cleric, was killed in battle against a mithral basilisk and even so they remained strong and became legends known as the strongest couple in Taliaka, the kingdom of adventurers.