Meyra's brows furrowed when she saw someone in the living room at midnight like this. The woman walked closer until now she finally knew who was currently in front of her.

"Niel, what are you doing here?"

After that, the man turned around and looked at him with a sweet smile looking at him. "Mom, you surprised me."

Meanwhile, Meyra is currently looking at Daniel's appearance from top to bottom with the car key ring still in her hand. This made the woman immediately sigh with her arms folded across her chest.

"Looks like you just came back, who allowed you to go out in the middle of the night like this, huh?"

Daniel did not know where to start to explain the truth until finally the man immediately sighed before finally looking seriously at the person in front of him right now.

"Ametsa," he paused nervously. "She ..."

Her eyes immediately widened when she heard her son mention someone's name.

"What?!" Meyra said surprised. "Where is she now? Tell me quickly, Daniel!"

Then the woman turned her head towards the window and looked back at Daniel with wide eyes.

"You left him outside alone?!" Meyra looked at her son in disbelief. "Daniel, I never taught you to be this kind of man, did I!"

"I never left her, Mom. You misunderstood, please, listen to me first."

"No, I think you're still wrong, Daniel. Get out of the way, I'll take her inside!"

Meyra was very angry with him, and now the woman was walking towards the car and inviting her friend to enter the house.

"Huh, never mind, after all, Mommy still will never understand."

On the other hand, at this time Ametsa, who had just fallen asleep, suddenly felt something rub the top of her head, causing the girl to burst into tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Mommy, I miss you so much. I need you right now, please come into my dreams."

Unbeknownst to her, what is currently in front of her is Meyra, a woman who is the parent of Daniel, his best friend.

For some reason, hearing the words that Ametsa just said made the woman's heart very cut, considering that the girl in front of her now has no one else in this world other than Daniel's family.

"Ametsa, it's me, wake up." Meyra tried to wake the girl up even though she didn't feel like doing it until now she finally saw her who had started to slowly open her eyes. "Come on, let's sleep inside, shall we, honey."

"Aunt?!" said the girl in surprise, then slightly got up from her bed and looked around which turned out to be so quiet and it was already night. "I-it's midnight, what are you doing here?"

"I can't bear to let you sleep in the car, Ametsa. Come on in, your whole body will hurt if you fall asleep here in such an uncomfortable position."

Unknowingly, her eyes filled with tears as if she was about to cry, making Meyra, who understood her feelings, immediately smiled and nodded before finally, Ametsa hugged the woman in front of her tightly.

"I understand how you feel right now, Ametsa. Cry, if you feel you have to, I don't mind continuing to be your lean-on, but one thing you should know is that I love you as much as I love Daniel. You mean a lot to me. ."

Ametsa felt happy when she heard the words that Meyra had just said to her, but it was still difficult for her to open her heart like this because she still had such great fear that the wall she had made so firmly stood still.

"Thank you, Auntie, and sorry to bother you once again."

Now Meyra is rubbing the back of the head of a girl who is in her arms at this time with a smile that is so sincere.

"Don't say sorry to me again, I told you that you were never a burden to me and my family. If you feel sad, come to us who will always be there for you."

Tonight will be a witness to how fragile Ametsa is, a little girl who has been abandoned by her parents until she is now a 22-year-old adult girl.

"Come with my family, Ametsa. I look forward to having you in this family, with me, your Uncle, and Daniel who have been your best friends for a long time."

"I'm sorry, Auntie. But I can't do it, I still hope that they might come back to me someday, and I don't want to let them down."

Ametsa's tears immediately broke out at the same time as Meyra, who was very sad to hear the girl's muffled screams. Made her feel guilty for never being able to make her happy.

"Ametsa, tell me if Daniel hurt you. Let me punish him in case he hurts you again."

The hug was released because Ametsa pulled away from the woman, so now Meyra can see how the person in front of her who has just cried makes her look even more adorable.

"How?" asked the woman. "Are you better now?"

"Yeah, I've calmed down a bit." Ametsa also looked into someone who was in front of her at this time making Meyra who saw it confused. "Aunt."

"Yes, honey? You're all right, aren't you?"

"I..." The girl hung up on her words, then lowered her head before finally looking back at the person in front of her at this time.

"Hey, just say it, you want something?"

In the silence that occurred, suddenly there was a voice that made Ametsa's cheeks redden with wide eyes, in contrast to Meyra who was currently holding back a smile just because she didn't want the girl in front of her to feel embarrassed.

"Auntie, I ..." Ametsa looked up at the woman in front of her while shaking her head. "It's not me, it's... a voice..."

"Don't worry, I didn't hear it."

After that Ametsa sighed before finally the girl rubbed her stomach and said, "Auntie, I feel hungry now," she said.

"Alright, let's go inside, I'll make your favorite food later, you'll like it."

Just hearing it was enough to make Ametsa smile happily because Meyra had always understood her so she was very lucky to meet Daniel's family who was so kind to her.

Meanwhile, Daniel is currently still in the same place peeking through the window. His eyes widened when it turned out that Meyra had managed to invite Ametsa to get out of the car.

"I have to get out of here," Daniel muttered, now rushing up the stairs to his room. "Ametsa can't know I'm still watching her."