You walk through the cars, thanking whoever it was that designed this train: it's big enough to allow your Magikiras suit to walk through with little trouble. So far, so good, you think to yourself as you make your way through the train. The problem is that it's too quiet: nothing's happening right now. You only hear the sound of the train speeding up, the whine it produces as it speeds along the rail getting louder by the moment.
Eventually, you arrive at the front of the train where the control room is located. Beyond the loud whine of the train, you don't hear anything as you reach the door. The door itself is a solid affair and doesn't have a window to allow you to peer through. You reach out for the handle and jiggle it slightly; it appears to either be locked or fused shut.
You place your suit's head to the door and still hear nothing. No…wait…You strain your ears some more and finally catch the sound of something sliding across the floor. Looks like there's something inside the control room after all, you think to yourself grimly. It doesn't matter, you still have to bypass the door first.