Morgan nods when you tell her that you'll handle the train controls. "All right, Dorn Wilton," she says. "Let me finish fixing my radio first so that we can communicate with each other in case of trouble." You nod your head and run a check on your own radio, mods, and weapons, making sure that they're working. After a short while, Morgan gives you the all clear, letting you know that her radio is fixed, and you start to head off.
"Oh hey, Dorn Wilton," Morgan suddenly calls out to you. You turn around and look at her. "Good luck with whatever's in the control room," she says. You stare at her in surprise; those were not words that you expected to hear from her, and you tell her as much. "Yeah, well…I'd get bored if you weren't around, you know. No easy target for me," she says glibly before she gestures at you to make a move on.
Talk about mixed signals, you think to yourself, and you leave, wondering what's wrong with Morgan, anyways.
You can feel her gaze lingering upon you as you leave the car.