As you wrestle with one Shadow, the other Shadow attempts to kick at you while you're down on the ground. You twist and dodge around, managing to keep it from getting a good kick at you, though this does leave you with the question of how you should deal with the Shadow that you're currently wrestling.
So you simply focus your magic into your engine, causing it to glow brightly for a brief moment. This forces both Shadows to shield their eyes in order to avoid the glare. You respond to this by throwing the first one off, hurling it out of the train. It lets out a long howl as the train speeds away, leaving it behind. Then you roll up to your feet and grab the other Shadow in one fluid motion before you also hurl it out of the train. You watch as it slowly becomes a speck in the distance before you turn your attention back to the room.
Now you have to take care of the train's controls.