"So…I was just wondering, where are you right now? Is it classified or anything?" she asks, and you say not really, telling her that the nearest town from where you are is Corasme. "I have no idea where that is," she declares a moment later. "Thought I could ask you to come and hang out or something like that," she says, and there's a slight pause, during which you aren't sure what to say.
You ask her where she is right now, and she replies, "Home, actually. Free internet, food, and roof over my head counts for a lot when all you do is wait part-time for a dream to come true." There's a brief moment of silence before she says, "Hey…you want to talk some more? Just over the phone? At least that way, we can actually say that we did hang out," she says casually.
You raise an eyebrow and ask her if she's trying to angle for something a little more than that. "Nothing. There's no angle here. Just thought I'd talk to you a bit more, because I'm bored at home right now. No dance today because we're waiting for the new choreographer to arrive," she says calmly. "Why? What were you thinking?"
You shrug and tell Samar that…