"Right now, I'm waiting for the orders to get through and back to me," Altug says and touches her head briefly.
"What orders?" you ask her, and she grins at you.
"Payback orders. I've managed to request permission to get a duplicate of the patrol routes that we've been given, as well as permission to chase Lee and retrieve what she stole from us. Let everyone in the base know; you're all heading out to hunt her down so that we can get back what's ours."
"It might be a trap, you know," Balogh cautions her. "There might be something else that they're looking for in here, and if everyone goes out…"
Altug waves her hand dismissively. "I know that. So, Patrik," she says and places her hand on his shoulder this time. "Split everyone up accordingly and make sure we have enough to both watch over the base and hunt down our prodigal soldier."
He stiffens before saluting her and nodding his head. "Got it," he says.
"Good. You two are dismissed," Altug returns the salute, and you and Balogh walk out of the room together. Once outside, he takes a deep breath and turns to look at you, his eyes narrowed in seriousness.
"Let's go. We've got a job to do."