I tell her that I didn't know she could dance.
"You didn't ask!" She grins at you, and this time, you know that she isn't upset about before. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, and this is one of them. I'm a dancer with mad skills, and you can't do anything about it. Granted, I'm not exactly the best there is, and I don't want to do it professionally, just…you know, for fun. Besides, dancing helps my rhythm in a fight," she says. You raise an eyebrow at this, and she explains further: "There are steps in a fight, a flow to it. Find the steps, hit them right, and you'll see that it's a little like music and dancing. As long as you keep to the flow and the beat, you'll always come out on top."
Does it really work, you ask her, and she says, "Most of the time. Sometimes, things get too chaotic in a fight and you can't find the rhythm. Usually when you have people walking in and out, if they're bystanders caught in the crossfire, that's when your rhythm goes off because they don't know about it." You nod a little, thinking about it some more.