I could have said it's quite amusing
But that for sure I won't be using
He's coming here for years on end
And flowers bought - like time in sand
Keeps pouring down onto the ashes
Sometimes it feels like his head bashes
Some sort of wall of saddened love
And goes and goes, like never torn
He seems like character of movie
He comes to buy with love, or fury
And asks for lilies, then the iris
And as confusion then arises
He shuts his own flamboyant self
Requesting roses, every shelf
And every shelf of every type
Of roses I had kept so tight
I wrap and hand him over
Like he would be obsessive lover
An never once he seems to buy
The gift to someone, as it might
I once had managed to acquaint
A person, writer, friend of friend
And during sitting in his home
He told a story - light that shone
He said his neighbour has a green house
Around in backyard of his house
And madly, daily there's a fellow
That brings and fills in more and more
With roses that are bright before
Then die in vases without water
In that green house there is a sculpture
Been looking like a sort of vulture
Yet days go on to show
That wilted roses keep to grow
Within that place like it's obsession
A cherished love, or great regression
I've never once had been so silent
And curiosity had piqued
Yet I decided to be valiant
It felt like history repeat