I had watched every year
From the room with large windows
I'd wished I'd disappear
But that kill all those widows
By the luck of the broken
Dreadful, filthy, possessed
With the witches words spoken
I've become someone's crest
Something which can't be thrown
Burned alive, smouldered, drowned
Yes, with years there's been frown
Over dukes sinful crown
Stuck to place like a glue
With no guess or a clue
To the way I can end my distress
All the pain I repress
Boiling over the evening,
Killing dear little thing
By the name of Lilly
Oh I wish I'd be silly
But hands snapped the fine neck
And the thought "what the heck?"
Had appeared far too late
And the fairies of hate
Had alas reappeared
And had finally smeared
My existence to tatters
For which left of the matters
They've had cursed me forever
As I'll wander the land
With my steps ending - never
But creating fine stand
With the white flowers blooming
As I bleed to the ground
Lilly of the valley looming
As my retribution of bound