A strange place.


Then I open my eyelids and the first thing I see is an unknown ceiling.

I get up from the bed and then looked around.

'What is this place?' I look at the unknown surroundings which look strangely familiar.

"Hu-" I clutch my head as I feel a headache.

I get up to the bathroom to get wet with cold water as my main priority.

He then walked into the strange room and walked towards the white door on the right.

I open the door and see that it is the bathroom, without taking long I turn on the faucet and put my head straight in.

I feel like a cold stream falls from the back of my head.

Then the cold stream continues down straight to my head.

I feel like the pain in my head is numb from the cold.

"Hah-" I lift my head from the face wash and look at the mirror in front of me.

And the first thing I see is an unknown face.

That of a young man approximately 18 years old.

He has an attractive appearance and it seems like he is looking at me but he pushed that thought away knowing that this is a mirror hanging on the wall.

"What's going on here?" I hear an unknown sound come out of my mouth.


After a while, my mind cleared up and the headache, while not completely gone at least still bearable.

He looked still in disbelief at the mirror.

"How I became a young man" Looking at this an idea flashes through my mind.

"Have I reincarnated?..." This was the only explanation that crossed my mind because I remember reading many novels with this theme.

"Wow, I didn't think that was possible."

Then a thought crosses my mind.

"Hey, if I reincarnated, doesn't that mean I died?" Thinking about this I try to search for my memories but when I do I realize that there is none.

"Did I lose some memories in the process?"

So I try to look up who it was before but then I realize I can't remember anything.

Neither my parents, nor family, nor city, I can't remember anything relevant either.

And what scared me was that...

"I can't remember my name..." Come to think of it, I am unable to remember even the first letter of my name.

Then a strange thought crosses my mind.

'Why am I unable to remember my parents or anything about myself but I still remember other things?...'

In this part he refers to things like that in his previous life there would be cars, the marriage was monogamous, they had gone through 2 world wars, he knew how to do mathematical operations, and others.

I can remember who I am but I don't know who I was in the past.

When I think about this then a solution comes to mind.

'My memories are locked?' Think about it, he doesn't remember things about himself but he does remember that he studied at an I.E. and even though he graduated from it, he also knows how to speak the words and even what language it is.

I quickly calm my thoughts upon finding the problem.

So a sector of my brain must be blocked.

"Hu-, what bad luck" I sigh at this misfortune.

"Well, at least I know how to talk" It would be terrible if I forgot how to talk, I wouldn't know how to understand myself.

I consoled myself with the thought that at least it was not the 'worst memory loss situation', it could have been much worse.


I wet my face a bit to shake off my negative emotions.

'Well, it's useless to cry over spilled milk, I think my priority now is to know my situation '

I turn off the faucet and walk out of the bathroom to at least see where I woke up.

When I open the door I see the general view of the room where I was.

It's a bedroom, apparently,y it must have been mine.

Occupying part of the space is the bed. I often see a wardrobe, a computer, and another wardrobe.

I am a bit amazed at how spacious this place is.

'My current parents do have money huh'

Then finally to the far right, I see a table with what appears to be dolls piled on top of it.

I walk over and pick up a doll.

It is soft to the touch.

"Because there are dolls here, maybe I have a little sister who forgot to take her toys?" I think strangely because the dolls seem to be well arranged as if they were deliberately put here.

Then he tossed the doll onto the table to go to the tall person's mirror on the side of the wardrobe.

He then observed my entire appearance for the first time.

I am a young man with an attractive face (which I consider) who is in his studies stage.

I can feel my calm temperament.

"Wow, I'm more attractive than in my previous life" I say but I don't even remember what the previous me looked like let alone how the previous me wasn't handsome.

But ignoring those details, I look down at my set of clothes.

Because of the soft touch and the elastic sensation that I feel, I feel that this is branded clothing.

'My parents (of this world) must have enough money'

Then I notice a dark fabric inside my polo shirt.

I raise my hand to touch it.

Touching it by itself I already feel that it is a very thin garment.

'An inner pole'

Then he took off the shirt I was wearing and when he looked at me again I froze.


I am wearing what appears to be a very short (sleeveless) polo shirt.

It only takes me to cover the part of my pecs, it looks like I'm wearing a sports bra.

".....huh..." My throat freezes mid-word.

My hands tremble a bit but still, he raised them to grab this 'mini polo shirt' and gently with trembling hands (wanting to tear the garment) I take it off like a normal polo shirt.

Then the popsicle falls to the ground and I take a couple of steps back.

"What the hell was that? ...." he looked blankly.

'Did me of this world have certain inclinations?' I sigh at such a thought.

Poor his parents.

If mine saw this then they would probably force me to find a partner immediately in hopes of having a child as quickly as possible.

'*sigh* poor parents of this boy'

Then I approach the mirror again, I am surprised by what I had not seen correctly before.

"Wow...." I'm speechless.

Through the mirror, I see what my body should be but I am unable to relate to myself.

Pectorals, abdomen, shoulders, practically everything is well marked.

I look like some kind of ufc fighter (PD: investigate).

Although I am not very robust, I can still see how trained this body is.

I have a feeling of love at first sight seeing perfection.

I feel like doing poetry.

'''Blessed be the tree from which they took the wood to make the base of the mattress where your parents poured passion to make such beauty.'''

Simply the body of my dreams.

After looking at me for a while, I put the shirt back on.

'So I guess now I have to see where I am'

So I leave the certain one with the intention of facing the new reality that I have in front of me.

Then as he left the room he entered the hall.

So I'm a bit amazed to see how big this hallway is.

'Several people must live in this place right?'

So I keep walking down the hall and on the left side I see a staircase going down.

Then I stand at the top of the stairs and then I see the living room below.

There are large armchairs and a huge TV.

'My (current) parents do have money'

I think this seeing the size of the house.

This place must have been built on a big budget.

Then I start to go down while admiring instead.

When I'm halfway down the stairs I suddenly feel a stab of pain in my head.

"Hu-" I grab my head with one hand while holding onto the railing with the other due to the sudden weakness I feel.

My body feels heavy but that is not the most important thing.

I feel a terrible pain in my head.

Then he noticed that there is a red liquid on the floor.

He looked closely and confirmed that it was blood after seeing another drop drip from the bottom of my eyes.

So thanks to the sense of touch they can feel like in my nose and the corner of my eyes something hot and liquid is going down quickly.

Then I feel the iron taste of blood in my mouth.


Suddenly I cough but instead of spitting saliva, blood comes out.

*drip* *drip*-

My vision becomes blurry.

I can't focus my vision well but I can see the side of my vision turned red.

Then I raise my hand to hold my nose.

I see that the palm of my hand is quickly covered with drops of blood.

And before he grabbed my face, he grabbed the railing because suddenly the feeling of weakness is stronger and even my legs feel as weak as jelly.

They are unable to hold it any longer and I drop forward.

My vision quickly fills with the color of the ground and the world tipping over.

My sense of balance is lost so they are unable to distinguish whether I am on the side, up, or down.

In this state my vision only appears as geometric figures of various colors (the stairs) which are unable to remember what they were, my cognition is being blocked.

My mind becomes so slow that they are already unable to process what I see in front of me.

My concentration is blocked so I am unable to concentrate on the figures in front of me.

I don't even know what's the point of keeping my eyes open anymore.

I feel like something hot arises from my insides.

It's not a pleasant or unpleasant feeling, just... I feel hot.

Then without realizing it I fainted.

My thoughts are so slow that I don't even fully understand what happened, I don't have fear or feeling of death.

I only see the darkness in a daze.

Then as if I was in a trance, I feel a strong pain from I don't know where.

I have the urge to hold my head but I am unable to feel my body.

Then as if my brain had been put in a blender, I feel my head shatter into little pieces, and the pieces crash into each other furiously.

The pain is strong but at one point it is greatly reduced.

Then something strange happens to me.

I feel like my mind is in one place but at the same time everywhere.

As if in a space where no gravity pulls in one direction a chaotic sea of ​​asteroids colliding with each other as if they were inside a tornado where there is no beginning or end.

It is impossible to locate.

Because I feel that I am in a specific place in this sea but at the same time I feel that I am everywhere in this sea.

It's so confusing because I feel like several meteorites are colliding with each other which makes it impossible to try to focus on just one of them since thinking of just one, others overlap.

How to open a box and see that another box opens inside it, and when you realize it, you are already inside that box in which another box also opens, and so on in a repetitive cycle where they don't give me a single second.

I don't feel like it happened but my consciousness seems to be blocked and I can't think of anything anymore, as if I had merged with that sea.

I feel like a person facing a sea where I can only watch as multiple waves move furiously but am unable to think or reason about it.

Like a vegetative person.

I can only receive information through my senses but I am unable to reason with the information.

For which things like the feeling of the passage of time and space have become diffuse that I don't know where I am or if a few minutes or hundreds of years have passed.

So that's how 'time' passes, without me realizing that it's happening of course.


Then he heard voices of which I do not understand anything but if it were before all these situations I would understand.

"...this is bad"

"What are you talking about?"

"I disconnected"

"What does that mean?"

"It has become a vegetable"

"That?!!" *someone yelling*


"It's impossible to do"

"Why not?"

"Nobody can"


"But maybe...."


*someone crying*


"Your body is acting strange...we should make an infusion of...."


*light cries*


"It's not good, it has almost no effect... it's like a pathogen..."


"The analysis shows that certain parts...he has lost a lot of his memory...memories will not return to normal..."


"Even if he manages to recover, he won't be the same anymore..."


"Only he can...only he..."


Then I have the feeling of slowly falling through the void.


Then after an unknown amount of time, I feel like I've touched something.

I'm sinking into it.

I completely immerse myself in it.

Then I start to free fall back into it.