

After an unknown amount of time, I hear a whisper that is almost indistinguishable from hearing.

...interesting... A voice resounds slightly from everywhere.

I manage to hear a word and then something pushes me from my back. - I don't know if I should call it that.

Then he pushes me to the point of taking me out of the place in which I had immersed myself.



As if I had been expelled from a puddle of a very heavy substance, I fly up.

Then he quickly got to the place from where I started to fall.

This place that was once a chaotic sea has become deathly silent.

Then like a magnet all those fragments start to go furiously in my direction.

So when they reach me, they don't collide but merge with me.

So thousands of images go through my head?

They are memories? I am unable to distinguish them.

In these images, I only see a lot of geometric symbols, and auras and I don't know how to describe them.

Then everything seems to overlap each other like I'm in a dream, they wake me up.


I widen my eyes in surprise.

And then as if a long time had passed, they can focus my thoughts.


I anxiously look everywhere for a moment and calm down quickly after feeling that my limbs can move.

"Hah hah *slightly heavy breathing*"

'What happened to me?'

So I try to remember.

"I was going down some stairs and then I got a lot of blood and then- I don't remember anything..."

Then a little pain runs through me again.

Then the image of a chaotic sea flashes through my mind.

"Hu-, what the hell happened to me?"

I get a little distracted thinking and trying to remember.


After a while, I pull myself together leaving those thoughts behind.

I look around at my surroundings.

"I'm in a hospital?"

I look at the bed I'm in and then at the serum in my arm that's hooked up to a machine I don't recognize.

Then he looked around the white room looking for something relevant.

Then someone suddenly walks through the door.

A man in a doctor's suit enters.

Then I see the surprise on his face.

He quickly turns to the door to seem to be looking for someone before I even say anything.


I am speechless at the situation.


After a while, someone opens the door.

A man wearing a white coat enters the room.

He is of average height, has black hair, and appears to be in his 30's.

He adjusts his glasses as he looks at me with a big smile.

"Yes, you are a box of mysteries Hiroki"

"Mn?" He looked at him strangely.

'Hiroki? that's my name...'

It's so, how can I say it? I feel like it doesn't suit me.

"Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Mirt, nice to meet" he extends his hand to me.

Then with a bit of hesitation, he also extends his hand.

"Well, for starters let me start at the beginning" He puts on a serious face.

"You're here because you had a mini internal bleed"

"Internal bleeding?"

"Yes, if you can remember maybe that you were bleeding from the eyes, the nose, the mouth then that will confirm itself"

Then the image of my last memory on the stairs flashes through my mind.

"How serious is it?"

"That's the least you have to worry about" she adjusts her glasses.

"Mn? Why?"

"The little internal bleeding is the least of it; inside your body, we found damage to your brain tissue and strange behavior in your hormones not to mention that you were in a coma for 2 months"

"That?" I am surprised by the amount of information.

'It's been so long? What the hell happened to me exactly?'

"And well, because of this, I have bad news for you."

"That?" I pay attention with a little resilience to listen.

"A large part of your memories have been lost"


"But lucky for you, they were only part of your memories of episodes, so your ability to speak, emotions, and others are still almost intact"

"I see..."

"But the other I don't know whether to call it bad news or good news since I guess it would depend on the person"

"That?" She looked puzzled.

"Your hormones are acting a bit strange"

He adjusts his glasses.

"This won't affect your life much but it will make certain parts of your body change like your muscles?"

"What do you mean?"

"Men's muscles always tend to attach to make them lighter, faster, and more flexible but yours will act to become a little more robust"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, that wouldn't be a problem, at most you'll make them stronger; the issue is your personality, you'll become rougher, so to speak, and it'll cost you a bit to relate to other men because your tastes change compared to before"

"...I get it"

"Well, enough talk, you should rest, your aunt will be here soon" With that said, he leaves the room but not before wishing me a good rest.

Then lying in bed the thoughts cross my mind.

'I didn't spend so much time in this world and I already have a lot of problems'

*sigh* I propose to rest since there is no point in thinking too much about it.

Then I slowly close my eyes with ease.

He was very tired...


After an unknown amount of time, I open my eyes and see the already familiar white ceiling.

Then out of the corner of my eyes, I see a silhouette.

He turned his head and I see that she is a middle-aged adult woman.

They have a very serious and calm temperament but at this moment you can see a bit of relief in her expression.

"I see you're okay"

Hearing her voice and seeing her appearance, a series of words suddenly come to mind.

"Aunt..." A small phrase escapes me.

The woman freezes momentarily.

"Wow, it seems you didn't lose everything, that's a relief...yes, I'm your aunt; now you're probably very confused about everything but don't worry, I'll tell you everything from the beginning..."

Then the woman starts telling all about Hiroki's past, including her parents, her place of birth, and many more.