(5)Sneaky sneaky


A few slams and swears he hears something snap,

"Please! Wing Liu! Not today, not again Wing Liu! Wing Liu listen to me!"

This time Qiu Feng knew that it really was Guang Chen's last chance, he really was going to break. His grip on the roof unconsciously tightened. Even though he had never personally met Guang Chen, and only knew him through a book just hearing his cries and pleading made him which to rush in and tear the other bastard to pieces.

After few grunts and low cries of pain Qiu Feng really couldn't take it. He reached up and covered his hands over his ears, almost wishing he had never came. He wasn't even strong enough to save the MC, if only he could get stronger…

'Stop that line of thought! Your a man on a mission! A..man?Wait how old am 'i'? '

Thankful for the sudden distraction he shifted through his memories and counted the days. He birthday had already passed between late winter and early spring. Just as the weather was warming but the winter months weren't over officially. They had been too busy moving around trying to leave the capital for safety reasons, so nobody celebrated his birthday, not that anyone seemed to care much.

A sudden painful cry and short groans drew him back to the scene going on underneath. When the slapping sound of flesh against flesh quickened he wanted to bleach his ears and mind. He couldn't even get embarrassed because he knew just how much Guang Chen was suffering.

The guilt rose higher and higher every minute, if only he was stronger if only he could help. He felt suffocated and deeply upset. But the reality was, he could do nothing against a man who was trained, the ML, even if he was drunk. He knew, logically, that the only way he had a chance to help his favorite character was to wait.

The minuets passed by so so slowly.

The moon rose higher and higher and the painful cries soon became silent. He heard murmurs of a voice but other than that it was silent. Stunned at how caught up and terrified he was in the exchange below he realized he forgot to gather any money. He moved his body slightly trying to loosen up his stiff limbs. The MC wouldn't be awake for a while. He had a job to do.

Burring his emotions he tried to focus.

Moving quickly away from the roof tops he followed the guards movement and found the storage rooms. He needed to move quickly if he wanted to steal some stuff before Guang Chen woke up and the scene where he went to the window happened.

Grabbing a short but sharp knife he nabbed from the guard house he strapped it to his side and then looting the golden tales that the messenger had brought and also placed in the guard house, uncaring for the conflict it could cause.

'For a military house they are awfully lacking in their defense. It's probably because nobody would dare to steal anything from this famous general.' His thoughts wandered as he scorned the way he easily entered and left the guard house.

As fast as his legs could take him he made his way back. This time he was really weighed down. After a short debate he looked at the sky. Gritting his teeth he ran like their was a serial killer chasing him and stashed the money in a tree a bit away from the mansion. He would need it later.

Moving a bit more confidently across the rooftops he arrived out of breath at the main house. He stoped to try to catch his breath when he saw something moving in the room, the window was cracked open and perched on the tall wall across from the houses window Qiu Feng could see directly inside the room. Stunned he almost fell over, Guang Chen and him had just made eye contact!

'We! Made! Eye! Contact! I think! I really cant see jack shit in the dark!OMFG!?!'

Like a small fan girl meeting 'her' idol 'she' totally freaked out. Outside his face was frozen, seemingly in surprise. The other man was mostly naked except for a lose inner robe. Covered in marks and bruises, laying twisted on the ground his left leg at an awkward angle chained behind him. His face hasn't made much change only his eyes had widened slightly in surprise after seeing the silhouette blocking the moon he wished so desperately to see.

When Guang Chen saw the other look at him he forgot the moon for a moment, the person and him made eye contact. With his skills as an assassin he could see very well in the dark. The persons eyes seemed dark, like a pitch black abyss and yet it was like a dark blanket covering him, surrounding him, full of warmth and quiet peacefulness. He knew, almost instinctively that the person had good feelings for him.

As an assassin he has been and still was very skilled at reading people, he knew that the person in front of him wasn't properly trained, and was definitely very surprised to have seen him. He also, for some reason had what appeared to be a large amount of good will towards him.

The persons eyes scanned over his body and face impassively, and suddenly it was like an iron wall was put up. Guang Chen could no longer see the dark quiet eyes full of odd warmth.

The shadow moved and suddenly the moonlight spread across his collapsed body. His looked down at himself and saw his body. Bruised, covered in bite marks and kisses, stained clothing and the smell of sex. Pathetically laying on the ground looking out the window trying to reach freedom he could almost no longer remember.

He shuddered, he hated how he was, he hated the man who made him this way, hated himself for being unable to persevere and leave him when he could have. He slumped when suddenly his sharp hearing heard a noise. Startled he looked up,

still a bit unresponsive and absorbed in his dark thoughts.

A upside down face appeared in front of the window, a few feet away. Then he watched as the shadow awkwardly flipped down into the room and landed loudly. The shadow flinched and froze looking past him and to the bed. Guang Chen froze too and unconsciously looked behind him, staring at the bed.

Silence. Only the quiet breathing from that bastard, the alcohol seemed to have hit him hard. The two people made eye contact again, this time the shadow seemed to be panicked.

It was true Qiu Feng was panicking. After moving from the wall to the roof then into the room he had been very inelegant and if it continued he wasn't sure they could escape safely. When he turned back and made eye contact with Guang Chen he froze. And then he panicked.

'Omg Omg, i need to help him, what should i do? Take him a way! I need to leave! But that chain! How do we brake it without making any noise? Shit he's looking at me! Omgggg!!'

He crouched down slightly and shuffled over silently to Guang Chen and the gestured to the chain on his leg. Pulling the knife from his thigh he looked at Guang Chen a bit hesitant,

'He wouldn't kill me…right? Better be safe and..walk away a bit.'

He shuffled closer cautiously, like approaching a small animal trying not to scare it. He placed the knife in front of Guang Chen and then quickly retreated and began to wait.

Guang Chen watched in silence as the shadow seemed to hesitate then gesture to his chained leg and pull a long knife from their thigh. Then they placed it in front of him and retreaded swiftly and then stood in silence, looking out the window as if to check for guards and to see how high the moon had gotten.

If Qiu Feng knew what was going on inside Guang Chen mind he would have cried in shock and called him a mind reader. It was true Qiu Feng was looking out for guards and checking the moons position. They needed to leave. Tonight. Since he had decided to rescue Guang Chen now if they didn't leave then the psycho ML would freak and send soldiers after them. Groaning in his mind he cast a gaze at Guang Chen and then frowned harder, Guang Chen hadn't moved a muscle.