
Guang Chen looked at the knife and then the shadow. 'This couldn't be a test right? Wing Liu, wouldn't have made this just to break me completely right?'

'If it's not..can i really escape? For how long? Will this person help me? Will i need to pay them back? Would it…be better to st-.'

His thinking was interrupted by the intruders movement. The intruder had crouched down again and took back the knife. Subconsciously panicked he clutched his chest and he reached out to grab the knife back. The person cast a look his way and then placed the knife directly in his hand. Then guiding it backwards he placed it over the keyhole on the cuff. Then he sharply stabbed down!

The knife made a loud scratching sound, startling Guang Chen. Guang Chen looked at the person who was intruding in Wing Liu's house but was met with the others slightly young face. At such a close distance he finally figured out that they were a man. A young man at that. The young man was completely focused on jamming the knife into the key hole and wiggling it around.

The young mans eyes were bright and focused. As if sensing a gaze on his he looked up, and they made eye contact for the third time that night. Only this time it was brief, because the two immediately turned their attention back to the cuff. The knife wasn't working, and Qiu Feng was getting more anxious. He suddenly froze and patted himself down. Taking a hair pin he had hidden in his cloths he bent down and focused on inserting the very thin, very fragile iron and gold ornament into the key hole.

After a few try's he heard a click and suddenly the lock popped off!

'Victory! Thank god i played all those escape rooms!'

His bright eyes made eye contact with the blank and stunned eyes of Guang Chen. He clenched his jaw and reached over suddenly. Lifting the other up he walked over to the window practically dragging the other with him.

With a short gesture with his hands he pointed at the roof and then pushed the other man to the window still. Guang Chen acted quickly, after realizing he was no longer restrained he was incredibly focused on leaving.

Guang Chen struggled at first, after all his leg wound hadn't completely healed. But eventually they made their way onto the roof tops and taking the lead he swiftly headed back the route he had taken. The moon was beginning to sink and the night was getting lighter and lighter, after a short climb up the tree grabbing his sack he made his way to the stall where his horse was.

Leading the other to the horse he payed Guang Chen no mind too focused on getting away and quickly shoved him up. Straddling the saddle a bit awkwardly in front of the other he grabbed his hands and placed them around his waist.

He couldn't sit behind the man as he wouldn't be able to see the road, not to mention the other man was taller than him, the skinny, starved, no muscle teen. With a kick they were off.

Hearing a grunt from behind him he slowed the horse and turned in confusion. Seeing the man grasping his waist and twisting his face Qiu Feng quickly put the pieces together. Knocking a hand to his forehead he swiftly removed the dirty rag he had been using as a blanket/cape and rudely pushed the man back, then set the rag on top of the cloth saddle. This was the best he could do, besides his dirty white underclothes, and his new outer roab he only had this cloak.

Guang Chen face twisted more seeing the young mans actions. But he made no more noise and quickly settled. His small bit of pride that was left over was enough for him to be embarrassed at his pain and how the young many knew exactly what was hurting but he was thankful for the other mans actions.

As the horse sped down the roads he reached out and gripped the young mans waist then froze. The young man in front of his was all skin and bones. He could feel the compact thin muscles moving under his loosely tied outer robes but even more than that he could easily feel the others sharp ribs moving against his hands. In fact Guang Chen suspected that he could use one arm to easily wrap around the young mans waist.

They rode hard into the night not stopping once. As they road Guang Chen noticed that the young man was a very good rider, hie body was moving in fluid motions with the horse. Not that Qiu Feng could tell him this was his second day on a horse in his entire life, and that he was just forced to adjust. He was keeping his silence, a bit worried about what to say to convince the other man to come with him.

As he hesitated and worried over his words dawn approached and they finally reached the next town over. It was already the third day so giving the horse back was a must. So he spoke his first words to Guang Chen,

"I need you to hide, i need to return this horse and can't have any eye catching people with me. That bastard will definitely start looking for you, we can't draw suspicion."

Then he turned and entered the town. In a few short minutes he was back, this time they would need to walk.

Guang Chen finally spoke.

"You…do you know about me? Why were you their?"

As he spoke his eyes drifted towards the bag slung over Qiu Fengs shoulder. He had felt the clink of metal inside.

"I went to steal and..to take you away."

Silence settled again. Suddenly Qui Feng spoke again.

"I…am not from here. I am alone. Completely and utterly alone. I've lost many of my memories and i can hardly do anything, i'm very unfamiliar with this world. But i do know some things. Like how you've been locked in their for over two months. How that bastard is crazy and that you two were supposedly in love. I also know your an assassin. That's it."

Guang Chen was shocked by the information overload.

'What is this young man telling him? Just exposing all his weaknesses?' But as the young man continued to speak Guang Chen face darkened. He wasn't sure how to feel. This man was his savior but it was also a bit unsettling having his past dug up. His assassin past seemed to have kicked in and he unconsciously began to guard against this teen.

Finally the young man turned around.

The two made eye contact and for the fourth time. The young man took off the straw hat shielding his face.

"Please, come back with me and..stay with me."

And at this point both their lives changed forever.