Chapter six: Part Seven; Hagakure & Tokoyami V.s Present Mic

We now go over to Tokoyami and Hagakure who are making their way down to their assigned battleground. They find a spot in an open area with a bunch of hills. "We can use these hills to our advantage," said Hagakure. "Yeah. Plus it gives Dark Shadow the advantage too because if we can get high ground then we can keep the advantage like Bakugou and Shoji did," replied Tokoyami. "I also have a bit of a plan," said Hagakure. "What is it?" asked Tokoyami. "Well that all depends on if Dark Shadow can dig," said Hagakure. Dark Shadow emerges and replies to Hagakure's statement with, "Yeah, I can dig!". "Can you make a secret tunnel over there at that tree line up to here?" asked Hagakure. "We will do our best." said Tokoyami and Dark shadow. "Ok, I'll do small light refractions at a constant rate so Dark Shadow doesn go berserk. While I'm doing that I'm going to make a door covered in leaves at the entrance of our tunnel and a door made of sod at the top. But we'll do that last," explained Hagakure. "Alright," said Tokoyami. They then made their way to the treeline and Dark shadow started digging. While Dark Shadow was digging, Tokoyami helped Hagakure make the first door. Once Dark Shadow was far enough down Hagakure made a ladder by jabbing sticks into the dirt on the side. She then climbed out letting him continue. Dark Shadow Got about six feet into the tunnel and started to react to the dark. So at that very moment Hagakure jumped down and used her light refraction to keep Dark Shadow calm so he could continue. Tokoyami theen jumped down while closing the door he and Hagakure made. Hagakure kept making tiny bits of light on her hand to keep Dark shadow under control. They didnt know how far they've gone so they decided to head back while measuring using Dark Shadows' maximum distance. They make their way over to the surface and eventually climb out. Where they then measure their distance on the surface. Luckily they were right on point. "Can you make a square piece of sod about this big?" asked Hagakure as she held up the other door. "Yeah, sure!" replied Dark Shadow as he then cut out the piece of sod where the hole would be. Hagakure then attached the sod to the door with the help of Tokoyami. By the time they finished, Dark Shadow had finished making the hole and had put a ladder inside. They attached the door and climbed inside. They went down to the other end of the tunnel where it started and peeked out. "I'm going to see where our opponent is," whispered Hagakure as she left the tunnel and closed the door. She looked around for a few minutes and spotted Present Mic. She then grabbed a decent sized stick and threw it at Present Mic hitting him. He turned around seeing two floating sticks and began to chase when they started to move in the opposite direction. Just before Present Mic got to the treeline, Hagakure opened the door and jumped in and  ran withTokoyami to the end of the tunnel while she kept light on Dark Shadow. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow then exited out the hilltop, closing the door. Hagakure then ran back down to the other end. Present Mic then got to the treeline a couple of feet away from where Hagakure and Tokoyami have their disguised tunnel and saw Tokoyami on the highest hill. He then tried to make his way up but was stopped over and over by Dark Shadow. While tha was happening Hagakure had gone into the forest and found a decent sized but durable stick and started running back to the fight. Tokoyami then hit Present Mic one last time as he was about to yell, knocking the wind out of him and making him roll down the hill. Suddenly as Present Mic was about to get up he got clocked over the head by a dense and durable but also decent sized stick, getting KO'd by Hagakure. Tokoyami then walked down to Present Mic and Dark Shadow picked him up. "Nice swing Hagakure!" exclaimed Tokoyami. "Thanks, and also Nice Job on keeping him at bay you two!" replied Hagakure with a compliment. They passed their exam and made their way to the viewing room while also dropping off Present Mic to Recovery Girl. As soon as they entered they were met by Nezu. "Congrats your victory you two! Take these and follow me!" said Nezu as he gave them both the same black and purple slip of paper. Once they got to the doorway. "This is the refreshment area where you can prepare for the final match!" said Nezu while walking away as they walked in.